Crash in Blightreaper while holding torch

Issue summary: At the first part where you pick up a torch, while swinging during a horde I crashed.
console-2018-08-21-20.01.27-CD466A7E-D1B7-448A-B9A2-C9B3.log (704.8 KB)

Steps to reproduce:

Play Blightreaper, hold torch, attack with it

Does it occur every time?
Only seen once so far.

Additional information:
I was not host.

Attach your DXDIAG.

Attach your session console log.
AttachedDxDiag.txt (84.2 KB)

Attach your crash log and dmp.
GUID: 8081d09d-4240-41a7-93af-4d9e72466901
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/network/network_transmit.lua:104: Failed to pack parameter 6 (65) as integer [1…64]

Attach a screenshot, especially useful if the issue is environment related (such as being stuck, or something related to a specific location)

The exact same thing

crash_dump-2018-08-25-21.21.38-05F861CB-D070-4877-B451-E2B1.dmp (482.4 KB)
console-2018-08-25-21.21.38-05F861CB-D070-4877-B451-E2B1.log (275.7 KB)

GUID: 9578ec30-64d2-419c-a728-1e6439271da3
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/network/network_transmit.lua:104: Failed to pack parameter 6 (65) as integer [1…64]

I don’t think this is related to the torch, as I received the same error in The Pit while shooting into a clump of enemies with the grudgeraker.

console-2018-08-24-21.01.33-34D8FCFF-3BE8-4CF7-8EAA-77EB.log (277.2 KB)
crash_dump-2018-06-08-00.12.53-67B1C806-EE26-44CE-8517-DAC7.dmp (419.8 KB)

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