Counter Charging mutant

A cool idea I think Zealot and/or orgyn should get is the ability to charge and counter the Mutant (this would better well with orgyn due to size.

It could possibly stun both the player and mutant for a second or two and the mustang could still be grabbed by the mutant, but instead of it being on a certain player, it is on the player who counter charged it.

But I feel that would be a cool mechanic since it could be used to counter mutants from tagging/grabbing players.

What do y’all think?


Mutant is not really too powerful.

-he can be sidestepped if you wait until he is really close.

If he grabs you while you’re in the middle of your team he usually gets bursted down before he does much.

I think the mutant needs to be a bit more consistent as sometimes he’ll slam you for a while and then throw you, and sometimes he’ll immediately throw you and then charge you again and then repeat.

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this is such a headache and the chain grabbing charges the mutie does have actually costed me games where i was the last one up, trying to save a teammate and then got multi charged by the mutie and all my team bled out in the process.

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I found this video quite helpful. It doesn’t really explain how to tell who the mutant is targetting when he runs in which is still a pain for me, but it does point out when to dodge.

Mutant’s weakpoints are also quite tough to hit and he’s tanky. But random nets from quiet trappers are the game enders, that and snipers pushing you off cliffs with no warning because you were covering a flank.

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While yes this is true, I find that it could be a interesting mechanic, while yes the side stepping is effective, sometimes (in example of trappers and sniper given as a example by someone else) they can tend to be a pain.

I’m not saying the mutant is overpowered, it’s balanced quiet well all things considered, just some AI tweaking (to always do the same pattern or have a more normal series of attacks) and he would be fine.

This was just an idea I think would be extremely cool and I personally see being useful in some situations.

But I do understand where you are coming from.

I’ve seen footage on one of MilkandcookiesTW’s recent guides for the pre order beta of him doing a counter charge with an Ogryn and that worked. I tried the exact same thing in the closed beta and the mutant grabbed me anyway. Either it’s been fixed in the pre order beta or it works inconsistently.

The chain grabbing is obnoxious, but he doesn’t really do any damage. It’s like 2 seconds of annoyance, only a problem if you’re the last one up.

I think there should be a cooldown on it grabbing people, but make it do more damage when it slams you on the ground.

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Can confirm that Ogryn countercharge works, I do it consistently. Zealot specifically has an achievement for countercharging, so I’d assume it works, or at least it’s planned to work. I can also add that the charge fails to getting grabbed if you do it during the dodge window.

Oh nice, I’m thinking of doing playing orgyn afterwards of zealot to see if this was possible. just thought it would be a cool idea, I don’t know if it works with zealot as I try to do the counter charging, but either I can never get the timing down right or as you said, it’s not working right now.

Personally I’ve only encountered 2 series of chain grabbings over the CBT and the POT, while I can see when and where they can completely halt a mission when they start chain grabbing/throwing; I think would be nice is a grab (1.5 second duration) then slams you 2 times at like 10 damage a tick (toughness can take these hits) times and throw you a distance of 7-9 meters away and do slight fall damage (also can be absorbed by toughness) and the fall down should be based off distance throw but be no greater then 15.

I feel like this would make them more predictable (damage wise) and not make them too broken since they are extremely loud and can some what counter via side stepping (and counter charging since counter charging on orgyn does seem to indeed work) and everyone shoots them while they have a person grabbed.