Community Update #5: Week 2

They really need to re-add purple and orange items to the shop. That was basically the only way to get a decent curio, since they have way too many properties that are useless. Like extra XP/dockets and the numerous forms of damage resistance vs x (why couldn’t they just make one for specials and one for bullet damage?).

I usually brick a curio just upgrading it blue to purple, this is a joke change.


Please fix the contracts not tracking progress :frowning:


In short: Corporate speak.
Look, I understand you’re limited by what you are allowed to say. I empathize that you don’t feel like dealing with this dumpster fire of a release. But no, you did not listen to our concerns. Or at least, if you did, the people you gave our concerns to didn’t.

It is pretty clear that the release of this game was a cynical cash grab, pushed out to be ready for christmas. It is pretty clear that the higher ups don’t want consumer friendly changes and want to keep on whaling.
Be honest about that. Say that you don’t plan to fix this game. Say what is preventing you from doing so. You don’t want to end up with a “sense of pride and accomplishment” because you hid behind corporate speak for too long. Right now, you (and by you I mean Fatshark in general, not you specifically) are eroding the remaining bits of customer good will. It shows in the Steam reviews, the dwindling player numbers and the constant stream of anger on the forums. Be honest, maybe you can salvage something. Because if this is the much expected community post and all communication we’re going to receive until the next update next week, you will keep hemmoraging players.

I believe that the devteam did not intend it to be this way. I also believe that the CMs did not want this to turn into what the conversation turned into. But one of your CMs being condescending towards the community and the only official communication being hand-picked easy fixes that are sold to us as “listening to our concerns” isn’t helping.


I’d also like to know what the intent behind this terrible decision could’ve been. Interesting.


Game is fun. Looking forward to more content as time goes on. Good riddance to loot boxes.


For the Penances we need more transparency in the requirements. For example, one says “complete every mission type on this difficulty setting.” But it just shows a number, just have it show which one I’m missing instead of keeping it vague.

The more info you can provide in that the better.


Well, back to the armory every hour, oh boy !


Other PvE games have died for far less colossal timesinks than what this is turning into.

Just a few reasons why I only play one class, cause max leveling another character to the same state of purples/yellows/penances is a chore:

  • The imbalanced penance obtainment difficulties cross classes
  • The RNG of rolling class specific items via a shop
  • Honing those hard-to-get items to get them to a reasonable state to be able to play in anything higher than Malice
  • Plus the numerous other bugs that still happen (like the game crashing from sound issues when multiple enemies are hit from AoE attacks)

Seriously, what designer thinks its a great idea to make it a chore to play a game and suffer from a multitude of RNG-based content instead of having the game become an enjoyable experience warranting replayability? We won’t stop playing if the game is in a good state. Show me the A/B testing on who decided all this RNG and gatekeeping is a smart idea.

Bad publicity just means this game has a dead playerbase sooner, whereas an enjoyable/high-rated game will at least draw a greater crowd. The game has gone from a positive rating on Steam to a mixed one in a matter of days, and may go negative at this rate. Why would I want to keep playing if a game is set to die a month post launch?


what we have now is not better.


Yeah I don’t know how they expect you to do that without a carefully coordinated premade on comms.

My condolences to the CM and all, but really, talking about shared progression like it’s hard to implement ? Like we haven’t had that for 4 years in Vermintide 2 ? Pffft. Just some more Corpo-speak.


i’m sorry but without any news about changes to weapon acquisition or an overhaul of the awful rotating weapon shop system, this post is a dud


The RNG heavy crafting also puts a big stink on the class system IMO, because splitting your time between different characters completely ruins your chances to actually perfect any one of them.

For example, In order to get a perfect set of trinkets I have to get the right base stat with max power rating, and then roll two out of three perks that I want at their max level. And that has to happen three times. Even if I’m having enough fun with the game that I keep playing and not just giving up with atrocious odds like that, it means that my chances of actually perfecting a character crater the second I play two or three different classes.

New classes or archetypes coming out later just make this even worse, because you’ll have to start from scratch with them.


It’s obviously not the CM’s fault but this game is clearly showing it’s thinly veiled Gacha game face more and more, likely due to Tencent’s acquisition of Fatshark 2021.

We the consumers who love Vermintide, Warhammer 40k, etc. are understandably upset at what will basically be, at minimum, the fact that it will take unspeakable hours of playing, checking the store, and hoping for good RNG to use the perfect build we have in our heads as though this were a late 2000s MMO or at worse a death sentence for the game withinin a franchise we all loved so dearly (a la Battlefield, Halo, etc…)

A game should retain its playerbase through satisfying gameplay, performance, atmosphere, witty banter, love, care… all of that stuff. Darktide didn’t necessarily fail to deliver this, but Fatshark then went on to shaft any fan who actually cares about these core elements by trying to get people (who otherwise wouldn’t keep playing) addicted through literal Gacha methods PURELY OUT OF GREED. Gacha techniques hurt everyone and only work to make the game company more profit by exploiting people’s addictive and compulsive tendencies. It’s unethical. It’s wrong. It should be culturally unacceptable. But here we are.


This is number one bullsh*t #Crashtide



When you have a real-money store, there’s a proven correlation that on average “more time spent playing“ → “more money generated.” AAA companies know this. They are the ones who paid to have high quality studies done.

All of these design choices are meant to push the game that direction. There is no other reason. If you really like the core gameplay of the game, are you telling me you’re going to stop playing just because there’s no better weapons to obtain? I have all the Reds I could want in Vermintide 2 yet most of the 1000 hours I’ve logged came AFTER that fact.

We all should be outraged. There’s no apology or defense for this.


Thank you for the update, let us see what will the next patch bring.


A lot of text indeed.
Please prove by action you’re listening to player feedback instead.


They already proved they are not listening. So many posts about scoreboards on this forum on steam forums and on reddit. Not even a word about the scoreboard in these patch notes. Im wasting my time with this game. Clearly they are taking this game in the wrong direction.

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