Combat shotguns need changes

maybe you misunderstood or i cant read but, i meant throwing knives

that talent is gated behind 2 bad points unless you are pathing for corruption aura, i wish it was higher

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Did not understand it…
Must say that throwing knives is for dreg ragers and only if they are enough away. In all other situations, I prefer using my ranged weapon to stagger them until they die.

Unremitting is great. And pair great with sainted gunslinger if you go for ranged immune. But, honestly, playing ranged immune is amazing on veteran, and a little pointless on zealot.
Anyways, I would like to take sometimes beacon of purity, but I don’t see any way to use the talents above it. As I say unremitting + gunslinger could be great, but I can’t see the point to try a ranged zealot.
And that’s also why I was disappointed by the vanguard change…

personally i only use them for any special elite/sniping and have a bolter/bolt pistol for the bulwark clumps

they are overpowered to some extent honestly lmao, but then again it’s the only fun blitz on zealot, and the tree pathing is actually good compared to something like stun nade

we really need to remove blitzes from the tree and give them their own seperate little box, they skew pathing

My main problem with shotguns is how they sound plastic and eh… dry? Reminds me of cough or sneeze, idk.

Considering how bulky they look i would expect something more similar to CP2077 sound, but without hightech robotic sounds.

Like some sort of clinking and bass needed.


if they make vet onslaught apply stacks per-pellet then it would be far, far better.

And vet is still broken.

no it literally would not, shotguns hit massive unyielding/maniac/flak damage already and crushers do not matter. shotguns would benefit most from players understanding how to use them before their foot inserts into their mouth with bad takes like the fire shotgun bad. yes absolutely using fire shot is terrible in all circumstances and you should never load fire buckshot even as a joke. but the Mk9 combat shotgun absolutely murders in close range, like a shotgun, it can be hipfired, zealot can kill a rager in one shot thanks to duelist which is literally a 100% uptime buff. there’s more than a few posters around here who could show you the ridiculous amount of elite burst damage you can put out with this or the slug shotgun. its the zarona that is mediocre through pure point of comparison.

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@Ralendil Why not though? What if people wanted to buff reload speed via blessings, without wasting skill tree points? For me personally there are more important stuff to take in the skill trees than reload talents.

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Wait… minimal pellet count is just the bare minimum damage, no?

Like it only comes into effect on whiffed shots?


I’m not playing top difficulty content yet, so I’ll assume that you’re right about them being underpowered even if they feel good to me on Heresy.

My suggestion would be to make it possible to load more than one special round; maybe it would be awkward to allow you to eject shells without firing them, but you could make it so that any empty space in the magazine tube could be filled with special rounds - so let’s say my shotgun holds 9+1 and I blow my entire load, I could then press the special button 10 times and load 10 slugs or 10 dragon’s breath consecutively.

If you wanted to be really fancy you could make one of the shotguns a dual-tube that loads half and half, or a drilling-style double barrel with a single-shot rifle barrel underneath.

I just really love the versatility of IRL shotguns and I love it when that kind of stuff is represented in games, like how in Stalker Call of Pripyat you can load a tube shotgun with whatever mixed load you want and it will track the order of the different shells in the tube.

It’s just kino.

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I’m am old dog, but very happy to learn some new tricks.

I’ve tried and tried again to find a shotgun build that does this.

If you can get one of these posters to link a build, maybe a short explanatory guide on how the skill trees / blessings overlap, and then a video with them hammering out 600k damage or more, then I for one would be very grateful.

Shotguns were my first love in DT. I don’t think they’ve changed much, or at all, since launch, which is to their detriment!

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@Elodie seems like the sort of video you might have lying around. While I very much enjoy shotguns and think they’re in a fine place, I also feel like I’m not getting everything out of them I could, so I’d be keen to see a real shotgun pro running it too.

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Something very simple yet pretty strong would be the ability to reload it I ly using the special ammo.

Meaning you could use the special action to either reload the last bullet as a special ammo as we are doing now, or use the special action to begin reloading it only using special ammo.

Thought, i think this would also mean some balancing because i would for sure run slugs all the way like a massive carabine

Oh psst btw people, just a tip but there’s a few things to know about each models

The lawbringer’s special is pretty great against hordes, i have seen most of you use it with man-stopper/scattershot in the comments but try flechette/scattershot instead, you get all the stagger of the special shot paired with the horizontal spread and finally a buff in damage that triggers even if only one pellet hits the target.

As with the lawbriner, the agripinaa has a pretty good finesse (Crit+weak spot) damage boost while aiming, the blessings will be most likely full bore/no respite as it match up pretty well with the strong slug shot.

The kantrel shotgun I’ll admit isn’t really that great… it’s alright against masses and accumulates damage pretty well with fire frenzy/deathspitter but it’s not really that specialized in anything. The special shot just does a bit more damage to a few enemies like the mauler and bulwark. Other than that, i still don’t get it.

Kantrael is still my favourite primary fire shotty for its high base damage and lower reliance on headshots. Its special shell is definitely crying out for help the most though.

Firstly I’d restore its old cleave. I could see running flechette + scattershot being ok with its old cleave. I also don’t think its dot killing things procs FF or DS which seems like an oversight frankly.

Not sure what else to do with it but letting all shotguns load up to maybe 3 special shells at a time could be reasonable and help out all 3 shotguns special shots.

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You can’t just assume anytime one has criticism against something that we just need to “learn how to use them” I’ve tried every blessing and perk combo, they still kill they still do their job but pale in comparison to all other weapons that do the shotguns job better. They all feel the same, they are very limited to what they can do.

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So crazy I never see shotguns in Auric, hmmmm is it probably because the fire shell gimmick is just that and having to stay back to slowly load 3 fire shells into the gun for it to kill a bulwark even though the boltgun or plasma gun can do it way more effectively. They sound weak, they feel weak (compared to other weapons) the fact that it’s not seen in auric truly shows how unreliable these guns can be

again you can shoot it with the terrible fire mode that makes zero sense. fire stacks do like 1/6th the damage of a normal shot and 6 burn stacks which quickly drops off to 3 at distance. and 6 is if you ADS. I just wait for him to drop his guard and its 3 shots, 2 if you had duelist proc. here’s a dumb gimmick if you want - you can get multiple no respite stacks from hitting them with a powered crusher hit into their shield, at which point its 2 shots from just no respite + annointed in blood. amazing you have to know how to use weapon X in the RPG game to have a proper understanding.

the other specialists die in 1-2 hits unless its mutant, I can kill multiple maulers or ragers at a time. I don’t even see people use things that aren’t knives or dueling swords in auric so no I do not believe that not being able to do every possible role in one gun isn’t the end of the world. combat shotguns are still miles ahead of lasguns that aren’t recon or lucius. the headhunter autoguns. not everything has to be on the level of revolver with absolutely no weakness huge cleave and also max mobility to be ‘viable’. at best I would like more ammo, because if I want to actually go full ham I am tough on the team’s reserves.

primarily though the shotgun is for killing huge groups that would be difficult to approach normally, and deal with specialists. it’s for supporting melee-heavy gameplay on any class. I use the braced autoguns for similar roles but they don’t kill most things on their own, its usually me having to run up and beat something that just fell over or ducked.

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You’re not convincing me this thing is good, so I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I use whatever I want in auric but the shotgun and maybe the vraks headhunter are two weapons that just can’t keep up in auric. If you have success with that’s great, as a player who’s played since launch I havent seen much change to the combat shotguns. Shotguns in the lore are these huge shell firing, massive blocks of steel that kill several people in one shot. They’ve got the horde clear aspect, sure. I’d like for them to be able to kill some armor. Even if that means slowing them down but making them more powerful, loud and deadly

It’s kinda working backwards to just demand buffs for things you don’t want to apply any different gameplay to use. I just get mystified wondering what the shotgun is supposed to be doing short of one hit killing everything to appease you guys. Although the argument that it isn’t part of the auric meta of literally 6 weapons is true. There are a lot of melee weapons that aren’t steak knife or saber not being used too and the melee slot has so much more freedom.

The armored dudes, maulers and flak, take the same number of shells as slugs from a revolver. The revolver with 5 round magazines instead of 9-13 and 57 rounds total instead of 70-100.

The things that didn’t die in one shot, are neutralized into mid-stagger state or greater depending on distance and mark (this is where Mk9 niches hard with man stopper). Basically if you aren’t crusher or mutant you’re having a bad day (shotguns get like 2.5x pellets confirm into Unyielding so you can take Reapers out for days).

Besides las pistol or bolter I can’t think of any one ranged that got more individual buffs. And the shotguns need love a lot less than Kantrael lasguns, headhunters and auto pistol. Kantrael lasguns in particular, like why have a useless no aim M1 and useless flash light in one gun.


It’s a gimmick, but it’s different and fun to use. I can kill an entire wave of shooters by myself with Agripina Autogun much faster than I do with special spamming. But there’s just something about doing that with a fire shotgun, hitting everyone at the same time with enhanced cleave.

Kantrael has good damage and stagger for large crowds of medium (shotgunners, ragers) and lesser enemies (hordes, shooters) and Agripina Shotgun is the most reliable ranged weapon in the game to remove Bulwark’s shield or stun Crusher. You can use it on Zealot with Thunder hammer to land oneshots on Bulwarks every time, without dancing around them waiting for an opening.

People play shotguns on auric and I’ve seen a good number of them doing really well. Yes, they’re not the best, but they offer a unique type of gameplay. It’s inescapable that some of the weapons will be a worse versions of other weapons, and that’s okay. I think that shotguns need some further adjustements, just not anything drastic.

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