Collection of Feedback concerning the upcoming patch

I think I understood correctly first time around; but from what I can work out your suggested change does not work the same way as the new Charged Strike node.

I may be wrong. But I understand it as this:

Charged Strike is a node you take that hangs off the Smite node in your tree. You don’t need to use smite to trigger it, it’s a passive ability that affects any melee heavy attacks you make.

You trigger it simply by:

  1. hit 1 for melee, do heavy attack.

I think your suggestion is different, because it would create a new activation mechanic on blitz skills. As I read your last note on this; you’re suggesting:

  1. hit your default blitz key, e.g. G to switch to Smite
  2. Then you hit your special melee/ranged weapon activation key (I have it on Caps for example)
  3. Then you hit 1 or 2 to switch to your melee/ranged weapon
  4. Then you strike/fire

Do you think I’ve got that wrong?