A Collection of Psyker change feedback and additions

@FatsharkStrawHat Due to the request of another forum user, I made this topic.

So, to reiterate:

You have cooked well.

Here is a more formal list of all suggestions by me.

- Feedback 1:

The change for Penetration of the Soul that I suggested earlier could be made unnecessary by including another new node, on the way to Disrupt Destiny, as a third option between Kinetic Deflection and the other new node:

Bewitched Assault: (example title)
Non-Warp based attacks gain 1% Rending for each 10% of Peril you have.

This way gun-psyker build variety is further incentivized, since rending is more important for non-revolver gun-psykers.

You could also go for:

Bewitched Assault: (example title)
Non-Warp based attacks apply 1 stack of 0.25% Brittleness to enemies for 5 seconds for each 10% of Peril you have, up to a maximum of 160 stacks. (max brittleness of 40%)

This would be the more team-oriented approach.

- Feedback 2:

Add more tinkerability to psyker abilities directly after blitzes.

Like so:

Ignore the overlap with Charged Strike in this crude visual.

- Feedback 3:

An additional node next to True Aim, as a third option:

Tranquility through Matter: (example name)
You have a 25% increased Ammo Reserve

- Feedback 4:
Kinetic Flayer ought to be changed to:
"Using Weapon Special with Brain Rupture activates Kinetic Flaying. Your next attack Brain Ruptures the target. This cannot occur while at critical Peril, and has a cooldown of 15s.

This way the ability is more fun and promotes intelligent use, rather than random. The cooldown can be increased to account for the increased usefulness.

- Feedback 5:
A new node to Brain Rupture, bringing back the old needlessly removed talent from before the class overhaul:

Kinetic Lacerations: Target of Brain Rupture takes 25% increased damage from all sources after a successful cast.

OR, as a new non-revolver gun-psyker friendly option:

Kinetic Lacerations: Target of Brain Rupture gains 25% Brittleness a successful cast.

React if you see! :smiley:

- Feedback 6:

All 5% Peril Generation Reduction nodes ought to be given alternative options that lead to the exactly same routes as the Peril Reduction nodes. For example 5% Toughness Damage Reduction, +5% Movement Speed and +5% Health

- Feedback 7:

Warp Rupture was not told to be addressed. I suggest that it could be reworked entirely into an ability that rewards skill and which can serve as horde clear and high single target damage.

I suggest that it could be changed so:

Shrieker’s Stare: Venting Shriek now causes an invisible beam to shoot from the center of your vision that cleaves through everything to erupt from your eyes. The beam causes damage which builds up over time when it is inside a head of an enemy, causing immense damage at maximum build up.

- Feedback 8:

It is unwise to change the Brain Rupture’s stagger on half-ready-cast to no longer count towards True Aim, as it was a good mechanic for the ability.

- Feedback 9:

I would bring back the smite and surge staff ability to randomly hit a body part back, since that allowed for True Aim to work with those abilities.

This does not have to increase or decrease damage dealt, but it should give the ability to get headshot hits even if all damage is calculated as if hitting the torso.

Also, I will be updating this with any more feedback, but that is all for now.

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