Coherence damage buffs blocking Heavy Hitter

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

The Ecclesiarch’s Call addon to Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude and the Veteran Fireteam aura are blocking the Ogryn Heavy Hitter keystone from activating (but not from stacking or refreshing once active)
The buff icon for Ecclesiarch’s Call lingers indefinitely (blocking Heavy Hitter) until leaving Cohesion and landing a heavy attack to restart the keystone stack.
In Evidence, please note 4 stacks of Haymaker. It is impossible to get to and sustain this number of stacks without Heavy Hitter stacking or refreshing.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play Ogryn in team with Zealot running Chorus with Ecclesiarch’s Call
  2. Be in cohesion when Chorus is activated
  3. Lose access to Heavy Hitter passive for rest of match, or until landing a heavy attack outside cohesion with said Zealot

Alt: Repeat above steps with a Veteran with Fireteam Aura

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Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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