Cleave Blessings No Effect on Eviscerator

Issue Description:
The blessings “savage sweep” and “wrath” do not increase maximum targets hit per swing on the Eviscerator.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Enter Meat Grinder as Zealot
  2. Equip Eviscerator without blessings
  3. Push poxwalkers together and hit them with 2nd or 3rd light attack
  4. Count targets hit: 3
  5. Equip Eviscerator with “savage sweep” or “wrath and similar base modifiers
  6. Push groaners together near poxwalkers
  7. Trigger “savage sweep” or “wrath” by hitting the groaners and immediately 2nd or 3rd light attack combo into the poxwalkers
  8. Count targets hit: 3


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
02/09/2023, 11:59PM PST

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)


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