Class Challenges

So this has likely been said here already, but I feel like the higher difficulty class challenges need to be readdressed. It’s nice to have challenges to work towards with rewards but the malice and heresy challenges class wide don’t really seem like “challenges”.

Things like psyker popping 5 elites in 10 seconds, preacher killing 50 enemies hit with a stumm grenade in under 10 seconds, ogryn hitting 4 enemy ogryn in one charge, or sharpshooter killing 5 elites with weakpoint shots in a single use of volley fire… just to name a few. These don’t feel like challenges, they feel like luck checks. They don’t really have anything to do with how you play or how good you are at your class. None of these challenges are in your hands you just have to hope and pray that the stars align and you don’t screw up that one chance.

Beyond that some of the other higher tier challenges feel contradictory to the games core playbook. They said they wanted this to be a team game that rewards teamwork but theres a handful of challenges that are very anti team friendly. Particularly the Psyker one comes to mind… Killing a monstrosity all alone with nothing but brain burst and if it takes damage from any other source you fail.

If FatShark doesn’t want these cosmetics earned quickly, that’s fine. But if you’re going to call something a challenge I feel like it should be achievable with determination and through circumstances that surround you and how you play. Not circumstances that you simply have to hope against hope the game randomly presents to you in a one in a million chance. Honestly a solid chunk of the challenges don’t even sound remotely enjoyable to attempt…

I think a good solution would be rewarding smarter/more skillful play or experience/time played similar to some of the class cosmetics in vermintide rather than more gimmick chance based encounters.

TLDR: I think that a lot of the present high tier class challenges are not a good reflection of class mastery, most are a test of luck more than skill or knowledge. And several that aren’t a test of luck are actively anti team in a team based game.


Veteran challenge be like, ay yo empty yo whole mag with 100% accuracy by end of mission.
Veteran feat be like Ay yo, get ammo back on elite kill.
Logic where?

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