Character lvl, Items, and more all lost after reinstall

Hey, I haven’t played V2 in a while but decided to hop back on only to see all of my items gone and my characters reset. Some of my challenges even still have progress for whatever reason and my with hunter is lvl 8, I’m not sure why. Is there anything I can do to get my progress back? Last I play I actually sat down and worked towads things I wanted so for it all to be gone is a huge bummer.

Is it possible the progress you’re remembering was made on Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide instead? I ask as we see this scenario often!

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No, impossible. I only have 40 mins of playtime :confused: i wasn’t able to play when I got it actually… By the time I was able (a good PC) to play the first one, the second came out lol so I just played that.

Could you PM me the URL to your Steam profile please?

Steam Community :: Willy Mays I don’t mind sending it here, I don’t kno how to PM tbh.

Thank you, I’ve passed it on to our Backend Engineers to have a look at. I’ll keep you posted.

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thx Julia <3

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Sorry about the delayed response and auto-lock!

Both of our Backend Engineers have had a look at your account’s event and inventory history and can’t see anything blatantly untoward - everything seems to add up with no evidence of items having been suddenly revoked, etc.

In addition, the account’s statistics also seem to add-up in relation to the 8.2 hours played on record.

Could you have played Vermintide 2 on another Steam account perhaps?

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It’s possible, I’m going to ask a friend if I can look on their account, Only other place I’ve played would be on their console but that was so long ago, and I’m positive it was the first game . Thanks for looking into it tho. Idk if my characters should have been at lvl 1 with that play time but I suppose if it looks right on their end… :confused: (btw I’ve been playing a bit lately so they aren’t lvl 1 now but were when I got on, idk how i didn’t get a single lvl in 8 hours on characters I actually enjoy playing) I’ll accept the loss. Thx Julia.