Chainaxe should have access to Limbsplitter

In my opinion the chain axe functions primarily as a first strike weapon. That first hit that you rev up is where you want to be doing your damage not on consecutive or chained attacks.

Limb splitter would be ideal

Uhhhhh bro the chainaxe kinda lives or dies off keeping slaughterer stacks going, so this seems like a very poor fit for it. It’s already got thrust for what you’re talking about too.

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It used to be that thrust was doable but since the Nerf to thrust it really hit the chain axe hard.

That is exactly my point most people take head taker and thrust for the chain accident I think those blessings are countering intuitive for the design of the weapon itself. You’re forcing a square peg into a round hole. Consent slaughter is so overpowered it’s doable.

That said I think he’d take her is better on the chain accident slaughter because you can get the five stacks up faster than you can with slaughterer

No. Stop there. Thrust was never nerfed. It was HEAVILY BUGGED for a relatively brief period in the game’s current life cycle, then it was FIXED, because it was actually broken. If you can’t even differentiate between a fix and a nerf I can already tell this will be a fruitless discussion.

I’ve been running slaughterer thrust Chaxe since long, long before thrust was bugged and at no point would I trade either of those for limbsplitter. Head taker is mediocre for it unless you commit to slaughterer as well at which point it’s a wet noodle when you first take it out.

Anyway use it however you like but I can’t agree with almost anything you’ve said here.


Everything else on chaxe is trash, so he’d take her (I love this typo) would be best in slot otherwise. But only because Bloodthirsty got Old Yeller’d months back with no pushback and remains a dead loadout on anything involving locking onto an enemy (so everything but Illisi).

So to counter what you said. I do not disagree that thrust was bugged and super strong and that they fixed it. However that does not change the fact that it was nerfed from its previous state. Both statements are true.

Now to address your opinion on slaughterer head taker thrust and my proposal of limb splitter.

I was using the ChAxe with rev It up and pairing it with something else. What I found worked was +Carapace and thrust. With these two things I was able to one hit a Mauler. And in general it underperformed against hordes. After the Nerf to thrust I tried out slaughterer, but getting the stacks especially in a horde took too long. I settled on head taker because I could do a push attack in a horde and have Max stacks instantly. This would actually allow me to handle that situation.

Since you are someone who seems to be self-profitedly good at the chain acts I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on it how to use it blessings perks patterns to attack and anything else that you can think of so that I can improve.

The only thing that I don’t want to change about how I use it is the blessing up so that I can go faster.

Since QQing exists, there is no problem whatsoever in maintaining slaughterer stacks and still proccing limbsplitter on every single attack :person_shrugging:

Unfortunately after they nerfed slashed fixed thrust just thrust is no longer viable

Which perk do you put on your slaughterer/thrust chainaxe? I just did a couple games with one and it’s actually not nearly as bad as I thought

Technically yes but you would forsake thrust which is just kinda the same thing but better and thrust also doesn’t mean you have to make an already awkward weapon more awkward. I don’t see a good case for it on Chaxe honestly.

What makes you say this? You hit good BPs with just Thrust on a number of targets. TBC though my perspective is entirely based around playing it on Zealot, I acknowledge this bias but also can’t imagine why you’d use Chaxe on Vet unless you’re a very highly skilled madman like @Reginald.

From memory carapace and maniac. Cause crushers, dreg ragers, and mutants are all pretty prime targets for Chaxe Zealot IMO.

Only competent person I know who uses rev it up on Chaxe ran it with Thrust. I don’t personally endorse this combo and Chaxe is so blessing dependent I think giving up one of its 3 strong power blessings for speed is an extremely bad choice. Just swap to a fast ranged weapon like stripped down brauto if you want to offset its slowness honestly If you are committed to this route I really don’t have any advice for you. If using it with Zealot remember that ulting AFTER your rev attack lands deals a lot more damage than ulting before the rev heavy lands. However, I believe Zealot Ult currently resets thrust stacks which kinda breaks a bunch of basic tech for Thrust weapons. Honestly my motivation to play those weapons with Zealot recently has kinda dropped off due to this.

@Reginald is more of a Chaxe fanatic than I am and can probably give you more comprehensive advice on it.

I am such a madman. There is a decent reason to bring the chain axe on vet which is its incredible carapace and maniac damage. Its practically a pocket ironhelm with much better mobility and less safety. Its not godawful at hordes or anything else too. Its not a combat axe though. I have yet to thoroughly test Thrust on a chain axe after the return to balance. I suspect its quite handy but makes the weapon feel that much slower. In some cases i see this as likely to be fine. But i feel that outside of initiating into a horde or fighting big boys you may struggle to get value out of it. Anyway i’ll be doing testing on that this week.

I would probably choose either headtaker or slaughterer on zealot to pair with rev it up and i agree with the notion of favoring headtaker lately. The weapon doesn’t wind up all that well and headtaker gets you going faster even if the peak is lower. Pairing Thrust with Slaughterer seems more natural since Thrust would probably net your first one or even two kills initiating into a horde.

The tech of using chastise the wicked after ulting means you would benefit from thrust. Also it has a weird interaction in that you can usually follow up with a light rev to still benefit from the crit on hit. This seems to effect the first and second tick of damage. Further testing is required. I’ll have better answers in a week or two as i finish my testing protocols.

Oh, by the way, i would definitely not use limb splitter. Sounds like pain to be doing a bunch of cancel tech while trying to fight a horde while the weapon randomly is changing behavior due to power interactions.

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The other thing I highly appreciate about using it with Zealot is Thy Wrath Be Swift. Knowing that you can be risky with it and that copping a hit or two in the middle of a revved attack won’t interrupt you and stop you from deleting that thing you want dead allows so many more opportunities if you’re doing a good job at mitigating damage elsewhere.

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