Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
The Catachan MK6 Combat Blade has a Overhead Stab attack as the third in its attack chains, call it Heavy 3 or H3. When chained from Light 1 > Light 2 > Heavy 3 or Heavy 1 > Heavy 2 > Heavy 3 it behaves as listed, doing more finesse damage than H1 or H2. However when chained from Special(the punch) you get the same Overhead Heavy 3 animation, with a seemingly completely different damage profile, doing less damage than even Heavy 1 or 2 and coming nowhere close to the profile of the attack it shares animations with, Heavy 3. Additionally you cannot buffer this chain during a sprint, as doing the Special while sprinting will force you to do Heavy 1. The MK3 Combat blade appears to have its proper Heavy attack profile for chaining a Heavy after the Special.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
With the MK6 Combat Blade
- Hit Special Attack
- Chain into a heavy(It should be the overhead stab)
- This specific stab will do less damage than a stab chained from heavies or lights.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam