Catachan Mk6 Combat Blade has a incorrect attack profile

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The Catachan MK6 Combat Blade has a Overhead Stab attack as the third in its attack chains, call it Heavy 3 or H3. When chained from Light 1 > Light 2 > Heavy 3 or Heavy 1 > Heavy 2 > Heavy 3 it behaves as listed, doing more finesse damage than H1 or H2. However when chained from Special(the punch) you get the same Overhead Heavy 3 animation, with a seemingly completely different damage profile, doing less damage than even Heavy 1 or 2 and coming nowhere close to the profile of the attack it shares animations with, Heavy 3. Additionally you cannot buffer this chain during a sprint, as doing the Special while sprinting will force you to do Heavy 1. The MK3 Combat blade appears to have its proper Heavy attack profile for chaining a Heavy after the Special.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

With the MK6 Combat Blade

  1. Hit Special Attack
  2. Chain into a heavy(It should be the overhead stab)
  3. This specific stab will do less damage than a stab chained from heavies or lights.

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No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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What I find quite ridiculous is that the charging attack can only be executed three times, yet the weapon’s attack animation has four parts

I think this might be some intentional balance to make the Mk3 more appealing. It trades any and all cleave on normal heavies (afaik push attacks and special follow ups are considered heavies on the knife for talents/haymaker blessing) for a little more finesse damage. If you could just whip those stabs out on Mk6 without having to burn a couple moves first it’d be even more useless than it is right now strictly by comparison.