Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
There is this knife spin/flourish that happens with the Catachan MKIII Combat blade when you switch to it. This spin is based on RNG with the switch, but when you cancel a heavy attack animation with a block, and then release, the flourish happens every time. This is a fun thing I like to do as I play, or whenever I get a moment to rest in an elevator. It’s honestly the main reason why I the knife is my favorite weapon in the game, and partially why I buy any of the knife skins I see. It’s just this fun little animation you guys made for it, and I’m bummed to see it gone.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Main way: Switch from the ranged weapon to the combat knife. One of the animations is the spin.
Fun way (that is now gone):
- hold the attack button for a heavy attack
- Before the animation becomes the attack, simultaneously hold block. The grip on the knife will reverse, and you will be blocking.
- Release both buttons, the flourish animation will happen, where the character spins the knife from the block reverse grip, to the proper default grip.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam
Player ID (Optional):