Issue Type (Required):
Mission Terminal
Issue Description (Required):
Hello, I’m not very good with English, so I’m writing through a translator.
I didn’t know where to write a bug report, so I’m writing here.
The first problem is quite critical, in havoc mode, when I assemble a team completely (and not completely too), when I press the play button (start the mission), my terminal menu collapses, and other players do not have a notification that they have accepted the task, only if another player presses the button through his terminal menu, then the mission can begin, this problem has been going on for at least 4 days, I tried changing characters, checked the game files, rebooted, and so on, perhaps this is somehow connected with the fact that my I I I marks (which show the number of failed missions) are not highlighted, and they are in this position constantly, regardless of whether the mission is completed or lost.
The second problem is less critical, but nevertheless annoying, on the psyker character I have 4 points that cannot be spent on upgrading the electric staff, the staff is upgraded to the maximum, but more points were awarded than can be spent, accordingly I always have a notification that there are unspent upgrade points.
The name of my psyker character is Ferrobull
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
I don’t know how to repeat this, you can only lose 3 games and maybe you will also have this problem
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam