Can't host Havoc games

Issue Type (Required):

Mission Terminal

Issue Description (Required):

Can’t start a Havoc game as host. The game shows that I have used up all my tries to complete my current level 23 assignment, despite only failing 2 times, yet is not demoting me to level 22, while seemingly preventing me from playing on my current level.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Press play at the Havoc mission terminal as host. I had failed 2 level 23 games beforehand, an now the game shows that I have used all three of my tries, yet is not demoting me either. I also can’t seem to be able to start games on my current level.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):


Also, if I remember correctly, there was a “game” where, after pressing the play button and everyone accepting the mission, it displayed all my teammates were in matchmaking, yet I was still on the Mourningstar, so I had to leave that lobby. It might be the origin of my missing third try, and me being unable to start games, but idk, and I don’t think I have any footage of it.

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Yep, exactly the same order of events i had when my havoc hosting bugged.

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Same problem

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