Can't salvage the following items. Solved

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I have noticed I have a couple of low power weapons and some trinkets that don’t show up in the Crafting/Salvage items screen due to an unusual but long-standing bug.
I don’t have these items equipped on any character (bots included) and I don’t have them as favorites either. I would like to ask for your help, so that you can remove them since I cannot do it by myself.

I have tried everything already, and even deleted my entire inventory trying to remove these items, but they are still present. So as a result of this bug I’ve thrown away hundreds of hours of farming weapons with perfect traits, including all the red ones I had…

The items I would like to eliminate once and for all, and the ones that gave me a headache are the following:

· Greenleaf’s Celya, Dual Swords, 291 Power, Green Common rarity. (Kerillian)
· The Longbow of Seasons, Longbow, 276 Power, Orange Exotic rarity. (Kerillian)
· Senechal’s Ring, Charm, Red Veteran rarity.
· Seeker’s Key, Trinket, Red Veteran rarity.
· Chamberlain-Accuser’s Rosary, Necklace, Red Veteran rarity.

These 5 items should be the only ones I have in my entire inventory now and the ones I can’t salvage. Lost all the others triying to find these first, and also triying to eliminate them later with no luck. They only show up in the Re-Roll Properties/Re-Roll Trait screens by the way, but not in the one to salvage items. In the case of the weapons, I can also apply illusions to them but not salvage. Upgrading the item doesn’t fix it either.

Thank you guys and I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hi @jmoyano92

I’ve requested for one of our backend developers to look into this for you. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have any updates for you.

Thank you for your patience.

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@jmoyano92, our backend developer has checked your account data, and all items mentioned above appear to be equipped to your Adventure mode loadout for Kerillian Waywatcher. Can you please check this loadout?

Please let me know if this resolves the issue. Thanks!


Daaamn you were right! It turned out I had those equipped in another slot!

I’ve never used that feature before and since the items gave me no visual indication that they were equipped on anyone, that’s where the confusion arose thinking it was a bug.

It seems like I misclicked there long long ago without realizing it.

Wow I feel stupid now. Anyway, at least the problem is solved now. Thank you!!!

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No worries! That’s fair feedback that this could be clearer in game. I’ll mention this to the team :slight_smile:

Glad to hear the issue is resolved. Happy rat-bashing!


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