Can't purchase Imperial Edition on PS5

Issue Type (Required):

Purchases & Aquilas

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Basically as the title says. When I go to the Imperial Edition, it says unavailable. When I click more information, it says “You can’t buy this product for the following reasons: You already own the following products, which conflict with the product you’re trying to buy: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Imperial Edition 2500 Aquilas.”

Since 2500 cannot be purchased separately, and I definitely don’t own any version of the game to purchase them with, I don’t know why this is appearing.

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Did you check to see if you have 2500 Aquilas?

I don’t have the game, so no way to check. That’s kinda the problem.

Oh :sweat_smile:

Do you have your account linked with a friend who has the game or have you tried searching your library and seeing if you have it already from PS+ ?

Im pretty sure you can still purchase it in both situations anyway.

Had to go double check, but no. No account I have on my PS has the game. Only 40K games are Rogue Trader (which is awesome) and Space Marine 2.

Im all outta ideas then :pensive_face:

Perhaps @FatsharkJulia or @FatsharkStrawHat could chime in? :smiling_face:
(I never know who is best to @ for what situation sry)

Hmmm… This is an odd one. I’ll raise this with our contacts at PlayStation - I’ll keep you posted.

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Awesome. Thank you.