I was in a bit of a rush to get started and just picked an auto generated name which I now regret… Can we get an option to change our character name at the make-over NPC please? I’d even pay £2 - £3 for a name change ticket in the store if I have to…
Aye, I picked a Zealot voice that in game sounds way over the top and a bit daft… I’d like to change that.
Going back to the name thing… For some puzzling reason when you generate a random name and choose it, it’s not actually unique in game. I was in a round yesterday with a guy that had an identical name to me, namely “Saldar”.
Come on FS, I need a name change… Why are character names not unique?
I’d pay 100 aquilas for a name change and a full cosmetic makeover including switching gender/voice.
They still haven’t given us the promised 100 aquila purchase option and probably hoped we would forget about it. But giving us something to buy that only costs 100 aquilas would be a start.
What’s wrong with being the legend of “Saldar”? Just kidding
I didn’t even know we can auto generate names. Maybe that’s why I see a lot of people with the same names, Olivia and such LOL
I hope they let you change it tho. I really enjoy seeing how people can be very creative with naming characters.