Can someone please explain weapon stats?

Like the title says, can someone explain the new weapon stats screen, specifically what the numbers mean? Or at least point me in the right direction/thread?

Thank you.

Go to YouTube. Search Jsat. Watch his pretty thorough damage calculation and stats breakdown. Should tell you the vast majority of what you need to know, though possible some things changed between beta and full release.

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A LOT of things changed between Beta a full release, this is why Im asking.

Then we’re probably gonna have to wait a while for community members to do testing and figure it out. Likely won’t happen overnight.

Most of the numbers are self-explanatory and there’s a short description to help understanding what they mean.
But some can still be confusing and there’s still missing info (hard to get everything on one screen).

You would have to be more specific about what you’d like to understand.