I’ve been leveling Zealot lately and finally started getting access to the Chain-family of weaponry. Chainsword, Chainaxe, and the Eviscerator.
One thing that has particularly stuck out with me, especially after using the Eviscerator, is that there is a forced camera “lock-on” of sorts whenever you contact an enemy with a sawwing attack.
As someone who naturally swings my camera around to control my swing paths, this is immensely frustrating and has gotten me hit in silly situations more than once because I’ve had my camera snap almost 90 degrees in an unintended direction. This is especially bad with the Eviscerator who can trigger this camera snap merely by using heavy attacks (which are essential to its horde clear).
I’d like to see the camera lock for any kind of powered attack (Chain weapons, Power weapons, etc.) completely removed. All it does is make already-risky attacks (as you cannot cancel out of them) even more frustrating to use when faced with multiple enemies. Logic/immersion be damned I say.
I agree, and also I’d like to have… I’d like to have more information on what’s going on. I was running my Zealot last night with a good team and was doing some riskier moves then I would without a team I trust, and sometime it seemed like I was ‘driving’ the sword through the cuts in a way I’m not with non-chain weapons.
Like, Maybe Fat Shark could tell us if there’s a few non-obvious tricks to the Evisarator?
(Though I still hate the 1H Chain weapons and want them fixed.)
There is nothing quite like hitting a enemy in the head with a charged up chain weapon attack and suddenly find yourself studying the intricacies of the floor texture.
The way evis works is almost perfect the locking your self to enemies with the chain is great because you chose when to do it and when not to and once your use to it the weapon becomes extremely fun.
The only problem with it is that you can be dragged quite far depending on what you hit like a charging mutant or a dog will pull up really far sometimes and the chain hit forcing you to look at the floor.
Only qol change would be rev up last much longer and can be stalled instantly if you want.
The chain axe’s light attack does this and it gave my friend motion sickness, especially if it catches on an enemy running through you and the camera does an uncontrolled 180.
I think the chain axe is too weird to use, it’s basically not even an axe, it’s a hammer that skips. But I did try to use the thunder hammer and it’s bounce was intolerable.
I hate to necro a thread, but it’s still relevant a year later. I’ve been having similar frustrations, and the snap can actually cause me motion sickness if it’s too abrupt - like, for example, upon sawing charging mutants, but hitting a little late into the attack as they run past you - hurts my head.
While I understand the camera lock is meant to maintain the illusion that the weapon is still stuck on the target instead of being a viewmodel facade, an illusion that’s kind of weak anyways considering how far away mutants can run the moment you start sawing them, I think that you should still have a freedom of look angle. Just move the viewmodel accordingly to where the enemy “is supposed to be” while we turn.