Bumper Button Dodger Controller preset Tag and Stims on same button

The new stims button completely mess up my controller buttons.

I use “Bumper Button Dodger” so I can dodge without jumping but now because tag is up on the D-Pad, which is terrible anyway, it ALSO brings out a stim every time I try to tag. This is near game breaking for this preset.

Please change it to what was advised in the traitors Curse pt2 comms and put medi/ammo pack and stims on the same button which for the Bumper Button Dodger is right on D-Pad (or better yet, add custom controls!).



Came here to make this same post. I want to like stimms but having it double-bound to my ping button makes it so I just can’t ping in combat and keep my weapon out with one in inventory. It makes me want to avoid picking them up entirely.

I don’t need ‘inspect weapon’ that badly. Just put it on D-Pad Right, please. Or double-press left.

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At this point Id take it on anything but the Tag button. I feel like it must be an oversight? Does it do this for other pad presets?

You can change you dodge settings in the menu. I forgot which one it was, but I only ever jump if I’m pressing forward

I have the default controller button layout and never have a problem. Stimms are “up” in the d pad.

I also would highly recommend a controller with paddles

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I really cant live without separate dodge and jump controls, but thanks for trying :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

fatshark still needs to tweak the various deadzones. I often find myself dodging straight backwards when trying to dodge left and right and with jump and dodge on the same button, even with the “only jump when pressing forward” option on, I find myself jumping when I want to dodge sideways.

Again, thanks for the input.

All good!

That’s weird. Are you on console or pc? I’m not experiencing those problems so something sounds weird

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Im on PC using the controller because my old man wrists are all worn out and I get shooting pains, coldness and numbness after a few days solid playing m+kb :frowning: this is partly because I play piano and guitar and have terrible posture too.

But the issue will be even worse on console as they dont have steam settings to mitigate this, which Im quite close to using. Problem with THAT is, with some games the steam controller support doesnt quite work as fluidly as a games own native controller support.
I often find a minute input lag and in a Tide game that means death and dishonour!

Ok me too. What controller do you use?

I have to ask…does rumble work for you for shooting guns?

Ok back on topic…

I have “dead zone” in game at 0. Not sure why you are jumping but I’m not🤔. Using a different button layout shouldn’t affect that?

And I turned off all steam settings for “controller support” since I’m trying to fix the rumble

Hey also, you can change the button layout in the Xbox app or razor app depending on what controller you use. It should all be custom through their respective apps.

Im using a PS5 contoller.

Rumble does work but Iv turned it off as it bugs me.

Sorry I maybe wasnt clear, I dont mean its jumping when I move forwards, but I find the angle deadzone to be too wide for the forwards and backwards directions when I dodge, so it either jumps (when I have dodge and jump on the same buttons, hence why I use Bumper Dodger) or dodges backwards when I actually want to dodge sideways.

Vermintide 2 on the PS5 has a really good sweet spot for this already but maybe thats down to the consoles settings, idk. The actual center deadzones are pretty good on the PC tho.
One thing I noticed was Vermintide has a better diagonal dodge movement system, whereas Darktide seems to dodge very much left, right or backwards afaict.

Yeah I turned off controller support in steam and Im trying to use the native support for Darktide. Im pretty close to trying it again, maybe the input lag is gone now, I need to test it but Im lazy :wink:

I dont use either. Im assuming, like it does on the PS5 console, this would change the buttons for all games. Im not prepared to go in and change it every time unless there is some sony PC app that saves profiles and activates when I start Darktide automatically.

Wtf I had another dude tell me a ps5 rumble works. How does a console that doesn’t even support Darktide have a controller that works with rumble?!?! lol

With Xbox and Razer app you can have many different profiles, so I have a Darktide profile and then a “default one”.

Part of me would recommend keeping the ps5 controller since you like it/are used to it, etc…. But I can’t recommend a controller with paddles enough. It seriously is a night and day difference. Imagine never having to move your fingers off the joysticks or triggers. Ever. You have 8 functional buttons and your fingers never move. It’s super nice.

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My pad still, for some reason, rumbles when the game intro screen asks me to press a button to enter, but I have them turned off so Iv not actually tried it with weapons, so I might be wrong. I will test it shortly and report back :slight_smile:

I do have a scuff pad with paddles, but afaik Darktide wont recognise them as separate buttons unless I use steam controller support, as most games Iv tried with native support, preset options and no ability to customize controls dont recognise extra buttons. Also its not all that comfortable, badly made for the price imo. Id be fine with the limited buttons if FS would just put them in the right place!

The PS5 pad may as well be a xbox controller with the only difference being the dpad and left stick are swapped. The shapes are very close now.

Really, the PC doesnt care whats plugged in, it just views controllers as an input device. Many games still give me xbox buttons but I played xbox for a long time so my brain doesnt care either :smiley:

Im gonna bite the bullet and try the steam supported controls again and if it works I will sadly never look back nor care again about DT supporting custom controls (until I get it on PS5, if it ever appears on the console.)

Ok thanks! My Xbox one rumbles sometimes but never while shooting, which is all I care about. Big let down

I have no experience with Scuff controllers but man that sucks! The way both my razor and Xbox app works is I just pick whatever paddle I choose then select what button I want it to mimic, so it’s not “new buttons”. It allows me basically to put XYAB to the back paddles so I never have to take my finger off the right joystick

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Yeah I also have the mimic buttons thing on my scuff but I found myself not using it as I didnt want to mimic buttons I already have… I was ok with the buttons I have, I just wanted MORE buttons :unamused:

Yet again, steams controller support seems to be the best thing ever for a free program as it recognises all the buttons as separate inputs and you can do some wild stuff with it, pretty much creating macros and alternate menus etc.

The other reason I havent used steams controller support is I cant be bothered having to go and waste an entire play session (or multiple sessions) setting it up and refining it.

I just want it to work out the box and to play the farkin game :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Edit: I also just checked and vibration works with weapons in game.

Ok thanks! I wonder what is going on lol

And yea I hear ya on the buttons! It’s purely just from an efficiency standpoint I guess. The face buttons require you to stop turning to press and the paddles don’t

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Idkw but I really dont mind taking my fingers off to jump and I do mind when trying to dodge. Its why Bumper Dodger is a must for me. None of the other presets are acceptable. Annoyingly on Vermintide 2 bumper dodger preset swaps the main attack to right bumper and the special power to right trigger!!! I had to get used to these swapped buttons because dodge was so important for me to be separate.

Whoever decided to swap those two buttons needs to be put in the corner for an hour with a jester hat on :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually sorted some stuff out with the native controls in Darktide just now.
I have Stationary Dodge “off” because I hate it, Dodge on Diagonal forward “on” and Always dodge “off” and now it wont dodge when I press forward but will still dodge sideways on diagonal forward.

The way they explained it confused me for some reason :face_with_head_bandage:

Edit: I just went in to the psykhanium and now stims are on the left dpad with medipack!
Gonna go in to a game and see if its changed.

Edit2: Yeah so its now changed. Some hidden hotfix or a bug that requires you to change your preset controls and back again? Either way I can now hold stims without it affecting my gameplay. I cannot reproduce making the stims use up on the dpad on bumper dodger so I dont even think I can file a bug report!

Ya know what it was? The lead programmer was on lunch break this afternoon and saw your post. Ez PZ

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You actually can, just restart the game and the bug is back. The fix is to change the layout from dodger to something else and back, that will work until game restart.

And the bug is still there after the fire hotfix.

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I have filed a report and even have a wee clip of me changing it midgame.

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