Buffs and debuffs icons?

I would like to see this and many other UI/UX fixes across the board, but the main reason that I, and probably many others are typically not engaging with or creating topics like these is because there are at least a couple of issues with the game that have a much higher priority at the moment.
Sure, it is also important and I am sure FS has this on some list, but there is not much to discuss here.
I mean, of course I want more information about my class, character and weapon (proc) statuses.

However, I am more worried about the stuff that’s in the game (because it shows intent through game design) as opposed to stuff that is missing, and I am more interested in whether these design choices are going to change, because if they don’t, I don’t see myself continuing to play that game as my main game. I might occasionally play a game or two over the week and just ignore the issues I have with RNG, progression and itemization.