Rush into melee range with an extra long range charge and get your toughness deleted in the process.
Some of the shooters will switch into melee mode, but some will still be shooting you.
While your attackspeed boost from the ult is up, quickly smash a few of the guys that switched to melee, while you are getting shot by a few other guys (regenerating some toughness with confident strike and getting some from kills).
Now you have to clean up the guys that are still shooting at you, which are usually a bit more spread out, and next to, or behind some type of cover (which is quite often something that even an ogryn can use to hide behind).
Pick an engagement and run/slide in, opening with a strikedown heavy attack to restore some of the toughness you lost while getting shot at.
While fighting the small group of shooters that was hiding behind the cover you decided to engage, you can now use the cover to your advantage (against the other shooters) and use your feat to fully restore your toughness from even just a few targets. Now you can safely engage the next group of covering shooters.
Repeat until all of the shooting guys behind cover are cleaned up.
If there are shooters standing out in the open, run/slide at them and open with a strikedown heavy to restore some of the toughness they took from you with their bullets (either afterwards, or while moving between the covering groups, depending on their positioning).
While doing this and pulling most of the fire on yourself, hope that your teammates are useful and either join you in melee, or support you with their ranged weapons (hopefully focusing down threats instead of mag dumping into the same guys that you are currently slapping around).
Without the âtoughness from hitting 1 guy with heavy attackâ feat, you would have little to no toughness for the almost the entirety of this engagement, and would lose a ton of health.
With this feat, you lose almost no health.
This is pretty much how i clean up ranged units as ogryn.
Works in basically every situation (more or less safe, depending on the surroundings).
Would not work without the feat, because i would be missing a few hundred toughness throughout the engagement and this means, i would likely die.