Not sure how to buy an Ogryn cleaver “Bull Butcher” Mk III from Brunt’s Armory.
All I get from the Brunt’s Armory cleaver selection is the Krourk Mk VI. Basically, I want the Bull Butcher cleaver with the stats I want.
You can switch between marks (variants) on the fly from your inventory screen (top right). Buy a MK6 and swith it to a MK3 or 4 whenever you want.
P.P.S. holy cow - > makes an arrow here → ←
Bump gpk. Just change marks in inventory.
Purchase Brunt’s greys until you find one with the stats you can like or can accept. You can switch the make of the weapon in your inventory. Some may be locked until you reach a certain level of mastery. Same goes for empowered upgrades and blessings.
Might be part of standard html markdown syntax? Eg
One hash then space for headers
Double hash for titles
Triple Hash for html mark up subtitle too
And you can do 4 obvs
Yeah, like double tildes for crossout but arrows AND moon pies! What a time to be alive!
The → will also confuse C++ devs if not using the pre-formatted text (CTRL+E)
Did the same thing for days as well. FS jank strikes again!
Eurojank is alive and kicking, seems like a tooltip/info text on Brunt’s would have solved prevented a lot of confusion.
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