Short and to the point, the current Blessings don’t lend themselves for all that much build diversity. Many blessings end up being underwhelming alternatives to the much stronger and sought-after Blessing (you know which).
Here are some rework ideas for currently totally underused Blessings, meant to make them much more exciting. The goal is to have more player agency and much more build diversity. Yet we also want to have some tough choices. In my rework concept, most of these Blessings now come as a hefty double-edged sword. Explanations found inside the summary brackets:
All or Nothing 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Damage and Cleave Damage as well as incoming damage taken are increased by 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%.
Explanation: Instead of power, it just increases damage and cleave damage, so you no longer get stagger power from this Blessing. Micromanaging Stamina in combat is weirdly unintuitive. Furthermore, it doesn’t convey the risky nature of this Blessing at all, because fighting at low stamina is still extremely safe in Darktide.
So instead the Blessing is now always active while the weapon is out. As a trade-off, you now take extra damage equal to the damage bonus, finally making this Blessing a true “Risk vs Reward” Blessing. The damage value is also increased for extra spice. You dish out more and you also take more. Fair’s fair!
As a bonus, the tiered levels now make a lot more sense, as they give you control over how much extra damage you want to pump out (and also get punished with when you finally mess up).
Blazing Spirit 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Warpfire has eternally engulfed this weapon. Enemies hit receive +1 / +2 / +3 / +4 stacks of SoulBlaze. Effect is doubled on critical hits and weakspot hits. Additionally, the soulfire acts as a light source, providing light up to 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 meters.
Holding this fiery hot weapon you burn yourself, continously receiving 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 damage per second and generating 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 peril every second.
Explanation: Turns a rather uneventful Blessing into a total game changer.
Every hit now applies SoulBlaze stacks and the effect is doubled on critical and weakspot hits, emphasizing skillful play. Previously it only triggered on critical hits, at which point most enemies would already die, rendering the original version sort of redundant.
The visual effect of this weapon should be a blue soulblaze visual gfx and it should provide a decent light source for the entire team, making it an interesting pick for Lights Out modifiers.
This Blessing now also makes the SoulBlaze build of Psyker much more interesting by synergizing with various Psyker Talents.
A powerful Blessing needs a powerful trade-off.
The tick damage eats away at toughness first before it deals health damage. Yet this toughness damage also interrupts natural coherency toughness regeneration.
The constantly rising Peril makes high-peril high-damage Psyker builds more interesting. The Peril gain from this weapon cannot overload the Psyker, but the constantly rising peril will force you to pay attention when fighting.
Infernus 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Holy Fire has engulfed this weapon. Enemies hit receive +1 / +2 / +3 / +4 stacks of Burn. Effect is doubled on critical hits and weakspot hits. Additionally, the fire acts as a light source, providing light up to 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 meters.
Holding this fiery hot weapon you burn yourself, continously receiving 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 damage per second. The hot magazines make reloading more difficult, increasing reload time by 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%.
Explanation: Same as Blazing Spirit, but adapted for a non-Psyker ranged option. Peril doesn’t exist as a punishment for non-psykers, so instead they get a penalty on their reload, making the weapon more dangerous to reload in tight spots.
The visual effect for the gun will have to be normal fire or the gun heating up, obviously.
Dumdum 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Weapon deals 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% damage at close range, but is also -10% / -15% / -20% / -25% less effective outside of close range as well as less accurate.
Explanation: The original Dumdum is a weird Blessing. You build stacks in close-range to get some neglectable damage bonus. Weird to minmax and hardly noticeable at all.
The new version here makes your gun straight up stronger in close range and weaker everywhere else, inherently. It’s conveying the idea of a short-ranged weapon focus much better. You also lose accuracy, so even if you counter-act the long range damage penalty with +25% damage on >armor class< perks, you will still have a hard time taking care of that sniper over yonder.
Sharp Blade 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (Formerly Flesh Tearer + Lacerate, now combined)
All attacks cause 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 stacks of Bleed.
Effectiveness is doubled against unarmored enemies.
Ineffective against Flak Armor. Has no effect on Carapace Armor.
Damage against Flak and Carapace armored enemies is reduced by 5% / 20% / 35% / 50%.
Explanation: Takes two samey Blessings and turns them into one that transforms the weapon it is chosen on significantly.
Infested, Unyielding and Maniac enemies receive 2-8 stacks of bleed per attack and it’s double that for Poxwalker cannonfodder, so Bleed is finally useful again on the basic enemy types. This Blessing makes debuffing Monster type enemies and Bosses easy and gives serious utility.
In turn, a sharp dagger is not really a good tool to pierce through plate armor.
Flak armored enemies only get 1-4 stacks of Bleed on attack and Carapace enemies are fully immune. This Blessing is no longer is a meh-tier upgrade. It forces you to fully commit to a Bleed style build, makes that Bleed build stronger, but also edges out it’s downsides. Double-edged swords are always more interesting choices to pick.
If the player wants some Bleed for the Zealot “Crit-n-Bleed” build, they may be inclined to pick Sharp Blade 1 or 2, as the damage penalty is still relatively minor. So an allrounder playstyle is also possible, but trades Bleed-effectiveness in for that.
Sharp Blade should also be made available for all other sword type weapons, making it a more interesting universal option to dabble with.
Hammerblow 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Stagger Strength of all attacks on this weapon is increased by 10% / 20% / 30% / 40%. Cleave Damage is increased by a quarter of that. Weighting all your strength into your strikes, you now consume 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% of your total stamina whenever you swing.
Explanation: Building stacks on just about any enemy in Darktide is just not engaging at all. Before you can build some Impact stacks, most enemies will be already dead.
The solution is to integrate the stagger strength into the weapon itself. To round out the stamina penalty on swings, we’ll add some 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% Cleave Damage into the mix. This makes Hammerblow an interesting pick for all weapon types that suffer from too much damage cleave distribution, such as the Veteran’s Shovel.
Between the Eyes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Increases accuracy and weakspot damage by 10% / 15% / 20% / 30%.
Additionally, clears and prevents suppression on weakspot hit for 1 second.
This weapon’s fire rate is decreased by 5% / 7.5% / 10% / 15%.
Explanation: The idea is that you fire more precisely and carefully, like a calm sharpshooter would. Ergo you also don’t get suppressed. Firing disciplined shots takes requires a steady hand, so you fire slower.
The intention here is of course to make another somewhat meh Blessing into something more interesting. You trade speed for long range capability, which should be a fair trade.
Unstable Power 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Up to 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% Power and incoming damage taken scaling with Peril.
Set’s the treshhold for critical peril level from 97 down to 95 / 94 / 92 / 90.
Explanation: Another Blessing that was clearly meant to be high risk high reward, but had rather low impact. Now is much stronger and much more dangerous.
The already brittle Psyker receives more damage when they are high on peril. And the treshhold for overloading is strongly lowered.
At Blessing level 4, the Psyker will go into overcharge mode and blow up from 90 peril points and higher, unless they have their Psykinetic Wrath ready.
Focussed Channeling 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Charging and quelling peril with this weapon cannot be interrupted.
Additionally, increases charging and quelling speed by 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%.
Explanation: Moves this Blessing from a decent but situational pick to full on upgrade that is worthy of consideration for most players, by giving it way more utility. Scales the formerly Tier 3 Blessing for all Blessing Tiers. The new text also specifies more clearly what this Blessing does.
Handy Magazines (Formerly Speedload)
Weapon reload speed is increased by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%, but magazine size is decreased by 5% / 7.5% / 10% / 12.5%.
Explanation: Sliding around with a ranged gun is seriously unhandy and it doesn’t seem to be used much.
A flat bonus to reload speed and a flat penalty to magazine size specializes your gun more, without requiring the need to slide when you are cornered. Feels more intuitive and moves the Blessing from meh-tier to consistent improvement during gameplay.
Stripped Down 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Increases Sprint Speed and Dodge Range by 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% (Weapon is active).
Allows dodging melee attacks while you are wielding ranged weapons.
Also increases the number of effective dodges by 1 / 1 / 2 / 2.
Total ammo capacity reduced by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% and your maximum stock of grenades is decreased by 1.
Explanation: The idea of this Blessing is that your weapon is more light-weight because it was stripped down of any unnecessary extras. So it weights less because you bring less of it?
Makes a stronger significance and gives some niche use for dodging in tight spots when you have your ranged weapon out.
Very powerful for movement techs. In turn, you also have 1 grenade less to content with and that reduction will be the new maximum of refills you get. For instance, a veteran can only carry 3 grenades at most with this Blessing equipped.
Geared up 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (New Blessing)
Bring 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 extra magazines and 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 extra grenades into battle.
Your total Sprint Speed and Dodge Range are decreased by 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10%.
This penalty applies regardless of which weapon you have equipped.
Increases the damage penalty when being shot at while sprinting by 50%.
Explanation: In concept, the opposite of the new Stripped Down. You arrive with a truckload of ammo, but it weights you down wherever you go. For niche use by players who want to go full ranged build.
Also increases the maximum value of your grenades and picking up grenades will stock up to that new maximum. For instance: A Veteran would arrive in the mission with 6 grenades and stock back up to 6.
Because this is very powerful, the penalty for picking this Blessing is as well.
Frenzied Strikes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (New Blessing)
Attack Speed is increased by 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%, but Power is decreased equally.
Explanation: Makes a melee weapon much faster, but forces you to trade in power. As power is damage, cleave and stagger power combined, this seems a very fair trade. As with many of the other Blessings in this suggestion, by having Tier 1-4 you are in charge of how much Power you want to sacrifice and how much faster you want to go.
Heavy-handed Strikes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (New Blessing)
Power is increased by 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%, but Attack Speed is decreased equally.
Weighting all your strength into your strikes, you now consume 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10% of your total stamina whenever you swing.
Explanation: Inversion of Frenzied Strikes, makes any melee weapon with this Blessing slower while also attaching a stamina penalty to all your attacks. However, doing so you gain a lot of oomph that can make for some interesting combinations.
This shall be enough for the time being. I hope these ideas give a great insight into how much more meaningful Blessings could be, both in changes to a weapons functionality as well as it’s up- and downsides.
My message is simple, Fatshark: Be a little more daring. You have a great system here to play around with.
What’s more, a little less of the stacking Blessings and less of Blessings activating on very situational circumstances (critical weak spot hits for instance are a rarity). These two often feel meh or are conceptually weird to grasp.
Instead, be more open to weapon property changing behaviors. Those are way more exciting and is what people expect when they play a looter shooter.
Edit: Made the text more reader friendly.