Awaiting Rescue, Teleporting further to next save spot

We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can add it to our database for investigation.

Issue Description: After respawning at one point and awaiting rescue you can randomly get teleported further into the map so your rescue is further away.

Steps to Reproduce:
Not entirely sure, happens at random doesnt happen to everyone, some people can get pushed forward and others spawn close.
I understand if players go back people get spawned closer but I shouldnt be moved further away from my team.

Mission Name (If Applicable): Power Matrix HL-17-36 (only one Ive personally had it happen on)


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[26/11/2022, 02:35] [GMT]

Reproduction Rate:
<10% Rare

Upload Supporting Evidence:

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-26-01.27.17-f208dce7-780d-49c7-9d3c-4ab63d9dcbc8.log (390.2 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (163.4 KB)

This was a bit of a tricky location. But we have made a fix that should stop this from happening in the future. Thanks for the report!