Are the new weapons for psyker worth it?

Talking about chaxe, heavy sword, shotguns and braced autoguns.

Do you like them? What builds are you using for them?

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I’ve heard good things about Zarona shotgun on Psyker from I think it was @MarxistDictator.

Considering Psyker gun bonuses are mostly finesse based I can’t imagine brauto having much synergy.

Heavy sword probably doesn’t offer much Psyker didn’t already have access to, though it definitely is a good horde clear/rager focused alternative to Claw sword. Should synergise ok with the crit and finesse bonuses Psyker has.

And as much as I love Chaxe and will probably run it on Psyker at some point for fun I also don’t see it having much of a use case with Psyker’s kit.

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I was liking chain axe because of that melee tree they added. Very easy to batter down hordes with both power blessings and the amount of cleave you have at high perils. Psyker also has that stamina regen delay that lets them abuse push attacks, and the Mk12’s new stagger breakpoints are insane (stops crusher overhead, but weirdly doesn’t do much to bulwarks). But the shred attack absolutely destroys them with just +elites, a couple stacks of those blessings and disrupt destiny. I actually like it a lot for bulwarks.

and yeah zarona is the best it will ever get on psyker.

Oh I completely forgot about the new cleave talent. Yeah that would make OG Chaxe heavies go even harder. Do you find that talent is good enough to forego manstopper?

Also if you could share talent tree and shotty card that’d be greatly appreciated. Play it more special shot heavy or primary shot heavy?

Its hitmass based so man stopper is still needed, shotguns have terrible hitmass. But I was running full bore in the other slot to quickly pull another 20% damage on top of disrupt destiny’s 15%. Then Scrier’s gives you 10%+. You can have around 50% crit chance in scrier’s gaze from 3 crit nodes and a weapon perk. Quite a few things that are normally a hair away from dying in one shot actually die, and a lot of things that take 3 drop to 2. Without having garbage hipfire or bodyshot damage like Agripina or no range like Kantrael. Its probably still worse than the other shotguns, and apocalyptic on ammo reserves, but I was able to keep up with a fire ult ogryn for damage taking 3 less big bags. You really need darts for covering reloads and poaching toughness though.

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I would advise against dismissing anything out of hand just because of a seeming lack of immediate synergy. That said, I have most of the same initial impressions and concerns as @alsozara.

  • Shotguns
    • From what I’ve tried so far, the shotties are generally far less impressive than I thought
    • I’ve tried several True Aim crit builds, but with how badly the game counts headshots (as in, it often doesn’t), it’s hard to make them work
    • Best results so far came with Agrishotty with Warp Splitting, Surety of Arms & Tranquility Through Slaughter
  • Heavy sword
    • Heavy Sword IX can be insane once it passes that breakpoint for cleave dmg. But to get there it needs enough base dmg and/or attack speed. Psykers don’t really get attack speed so they need a ton of dmg buffs to reach that point, and maintaining them is tricky. So mostly you rely on finesse.
    • Overall, the HSword plays similar to Illisi or DClaw. Except Illisi is just stronger, faster, does easy headshots and has better blessings overall. While DClaw has its now insane parry. And neither of them have the drawbacks of HSwords, while both having better specials & utility.

What I haven’t tried yet:

  • Chain Axe
    • I have doubts about this one. CAxe is terribly strong, but also not the most mobile and shred for tearing armor for a psyker is a recipe for disaster
    • Psykers are 100% dependant on mobility to stay alive, armor (as in crushers & maulers) kill psykers with a single hit. So why would you ever bring a CSword when a Dueling Sword or Deimos does the same job, likely faster, and 10x safer?
    • On the other hand CAxes have pretty insane cleave and stagger too (something DSwords & Deimos don’t), so it’s not completely impossible to make them work either
  • BAG
    • BAGs aren’t finesse weapons, so again there’s that issue of stacking attack speed & dmg which for psykers is challenging
    • On the other hand, for something so strong & high stagger they are extremely mobile. I can certainly see psykers getting a use of that mobility. The blessings also give access to range immunity that doesn’t depend on crits or headshots like Ghost either, so they might make for a great option for non-finesse builds without Empathic Evasion.
      • A psyker with +3 sta and a BAG with Stripped Down is basically immune to ranged as long as they’re moving, thanks to their super fast sta recovery delay. With a BAG they could also keep fighting effectively while doing it.

What I can say tho is that DClaw definitely works… ohhh it works SO well. :smiling_imp: My favorite variant with that so far has By Crack of Bone & Warp Splitting, Scrier’s with Precog & Warp Unbound, Kinetic Deflection ofc and a Voidstrike. Push that Scrier’s finesse bonus up with the beautiful cleaves and endless parries, and once it’s there you have your ~11 seconds to go to town with your Voidstrike enjoying the full perks of 100% peril. :joy:

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I use the Heavy Sword which has horizontal heavies on a enfeeble / charged strike build. Blessings are chained deathblow and perfect strike. And Scrier’s Gaze. Whenever I crit, I have basically infinite cleave. It’s just a fun melee psyker approach that feels new.

Like Elodie pointed out, Illisi and DClaw are just too much of a competition for the heavy sword on a psyker.

I recently found out by accident that the DClaw parry special attack also triggers charged strike - it counts as a heavy attack. So even on that charged strike meme build of mine its really hard not to forego the heavy sword in favour of DClaw.

I do use Shotguns on my “Swiss Army Knife” build with Empowered Brain Rupture. They fit their role of close combat burst damage against packs of elite kinda well. Not sure if they are better overall than good old Columnus… welp… Vrak Autogun … but they are fun to use anyway

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That was my personal take away so far also. I made a crit based shotgun build on psyker, loaded into the training grounds, looked at the pitiful stamina and mobility when I pulled out my shotgun and remembered why I always gravitated towards laspistol, revolvers and bolt pistol with non-staff builds. I suppose I could run a less mobile secondary with a DS. I just enjoy psykers mobility too much.

The “new” weapons classes don’t really have that much synergy with psyskers talents, but I’m likely to give heavy swords and chain axes a try in the long run.


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