Another stuck spot in Magistrati Oubliette

Issue Description: I was playing on my Vet and crouch-slid into the bottom end of the railing and got stuck. My teammates lured a Mutant to me and it helped me out.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play Magistrati Oubliette as a small character
  2. Navigate to the red-lit stairs on the left side of Caustic Street
  3. Crouch-slide into the bottom end of the railing
  4. Get stuck

Mission Name (If Applicable): Magistrati Oubliette


Player ID:
Dripping (character: Yoshimi)

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Feb 17, 2023 | 9PM PST

Reproduction Rate:
Common (<50%)

Upload Supporting Evidence: (only have screenshots this time)

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