Amazing detail!

Don’t know if i am too late to the party but i just noticed that power greatsword has different inspection animations between powered and unpowered state. When you inspect your weapon unpowered the character has one hand onto the blade (without the risk to burn it); whereas when the weapon is powered both hands are on the handle letting you inspect the powered blade safe and sound!

Such small details are what does it for me. Nice job devs!


Dunno about you folks, but I always have both hands on the handle when inspecting my sword.


Meanwhile me at 1600 hours: THERE’S AN INSPECT??


Damn, I can only fit one hand on mine


Yeah, you’re doing it wrong. Probably? This is mine:


Put Hydrogen for scale


Temu papercutter > Power Greatsword

(I smell heresy…)

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It would be an even more amazing detail if you were holding your weapon on the end screen instead of the a generic version of the wrong weapon.


Bless you man! I really wonder why this isn’t the case yet. If this detail was included end screen poses would gain a whole lot more importance! Stylistically speaking.

Right now, at least for me, poses are kinda meaningless since the coolest ones depict different weapon than the one i wield…

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Actually big man…that’s the Atoma’s solar system…

Yeah, and I keep forgetting it after 500 hours in the game myself.

Gonna pass that along to the animator who worked so hard on it!


Yeah, there’s a lot of really excellent details on the animation, sound, modelling fronts that go largely unnoticed due to the fast paced nature of the game.
If you go into the Psykhanium or use mods in there to spawn things solo and turn off the sound muffling, you can really appreciate the details.

Excellent work all around, all pieces come together and are greater than the sum of their parts!

Except for the dreg rager wiggly tentacles, that creeps me the grut out.


Lol! Man i have spent multiple minutes gazing this exact freaking tentacle and ofc the whole nurgle mutated body. The level of detail is phenomenal.

This applies on all enemy models. But this rager’s tentacle is so obscene…

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Hard work should be appreciated. Always. You do this! Thanks strawhat.


theres plenty of that stuff. like how ogryn have a unique animation for punching carapace as opposed to everything else. you can really feel the love :3

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For me it was the change of the stub revolver’s reload animation. In particular the different thump poses depending on how many bullets are still shootable.