The AI Director overall seems at a good place. Except specialists’ forsight ability to try and keep themselves alive. What do I mean by this?
Specialists seem to have an abnormal way of knowing where you are looking.
Let me give an example;
The team during a mission is on their A game. Hordes don’t make it out of doorways. Specials are deleted before being able to fire and elites are targeted first. Things are going well.
The issue I see, specifically with the Veteran and their Ability to highlight enemies, is they somehow know where we are watching.
This has most likely happened to you, a poxburster is approaching from behind and the team hears the sound cue, backs up and allows the corner (or doorway space) for specialist to come through.
Except they don’t. They wait and stand there waiting for you to turn around. Waiting! Or they just respawn, and immediately appear somewhere else, hopefully not the door next to you. (but of course they do) Or they randomly explode, which is fine, I guess?
Some specials will not advance until I turn around, Trappers do this, pox bursters especially, the dog even, the specialists shouldn’t be aware (or care) which direction I’m facing.
Multiple Specialists fall victim to this “awareness” let’s call it.
Look I get it, the director wants an advantage, and something is always behind you. But if the specail spawns behind it should approach and try to engage, or interact, with the players. Specials hiding in their spawn seems silly, and you can clearly see this when the Veteran Highlights them through walls. Apologies for not having screenshots.
It reminds me of playing multiplayer in L4D. When I spawned as a zombie big boy waiting to spew vomit, his walking caused him to gurgle and spit, creating sound for players to hear. So I would stand still and wait in sneaky silence. I’m curious why the AI Director is allowing specialists to act this way. It seems counter to their design as they should be hyper aggressive, no?
Does the community notice this issue or any other problems with the way certain Specialists are directed/spawned?