Aggro issues with bursters

Has anyone else noticed bursters become much more buggy when grouped with Ogryns? I think bursters becoming unpushable/bugged has something to do with the way their aggro functions. 9/10 games I have no issues with bursters, if there is no ogryn present. When an ogryn is present I seem to have issues with bursters every other game. This is nothing against Ogryns - I am simply making an observation that I think burster issues have something to do with the way aggro functions. Ogryns have talents that draw aggro from enemies and as a result something in the code bugs out and causes bursters to b line in certain directions becoming unpushable and avoiding anything until they get to whatever it is they’re running toward.

Yeap, its been happening a lot.

I have some theories.

1: being revived or unnetted seems to make the poxbursters ignore you. And your pushes have zero effect.

2: Stealth, same as above.

3: if the poxburster changes target, it seems to be unpushable for a very short time.

Not sure if these are all correct, but I’m definitely finding poxbursters buggier than usual. I’ll continue my analysis.

This is why i always take one for the team and run up on the burster.
Never a problem.

In basketball I was taught to never make the ball come to me so

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