Activating Infiltrate should not stop sprint

If you’re sprinting and activate Infiltrate, you stop sprinting and cannot restart sprinting until the voice line finishes (about 1 second). Since this is a repositioning and speed ability, this is frustrating. It would be preferable if the transition was more seamless.


Same with shout. If you’re charging up an attack and ult to interrupt an enemy, you’ll cancel your own attack. Absolutely ruins the flow of combat. How did we go from Kruber’s shout to this?

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Agree. It feels really jarring to be in a dead sprint to get somewhere in a huge firefight, you ult, and then you just start piddling in place.

Anything that involuntarily affects movement (from the player side) as a balancing measuring simply isn’t fun as it breaks the flow, including but not limited to the movement break for abilities, weapon charge up, some attack animation locks, etc.

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