Accidentally deleted my favorite gun :(

Issue Type (Required):

Restore an Item

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Accidentally deleted my favorite gun :frowning:

I was just selling weapons and the sell box jumped to my only legendary lasgun for my veteran and sold it before I realized what was happening… I saw other request they could have it restored and I humbly request the same… it was a gut punch and I dont know if I wanna keep playing without it :frowning:

It was on my veteran “WoolishPerra” and the weapon in question was a orange rarity infantry lasgun… I unfortunately do not remember the exact name of it.

Thank you for your time <3

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No, I don’t use mods

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Rare (<10%)

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Steam (PC)

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I’m very sad to say we temporarily don’t have the ability to restore weapons due to an issue in our backend. Another player here has had the same unfortunate news:

I sincerely apologise that we’re not able to help with this. :frowning: