Accidental weapon selling

Issue Description:
Accidentally removed weapons from the top of the list while selling bottom tier gray weapons. Remoed yellow Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun with 3rd No Respite and 3rd Deadly Accurate. Still can use it from one of loadout until i chagne it. Also removed Kantrael Mk IX Combat Shotgun with 4th No respite and 3rd Fire Frenzy. Both on my veteran. Can it be recovered? There is a chance that shotgun on screenshot is wrong but i defenetly had one mk IX one with 4th No respite on veteran.

Crash Report (If Applicable):
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

Error Displayed (If Applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:
Click LMB and on last item in list and hold x on quite fast manner.
List somehow jump to the top and sell first wepaon in list

Mission Name (If Applicable):

[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Dont actually remember, Autogun was removed around a week ago and shotgun maybe 2 wwks ago.

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
Rare (<10%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

I’m having trouble locating the Autogun and Shotgun due to the number of items that have been removed recently, but if you can recall the day the weapons were destroyed it would really help with my search.

I think i sold autogun on 30.04.23 or 01.05.23. Shotgun somewhere around 24.05.23 but hard to remember because i noticed it way later. If there is a way to check deleted items by rarity i didnt sell and legendary items.