About the new "resource" alert system

In general, I’ve listed everything I think about alerting “resources.”
But I can say it again.

Give us the ability to disable this feature and the sound effect.
Change its size and transparency and move it around the screen (something like “bottom left corner, top left corner, etc.” ).


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You’d think Darktide is the first game they ever made. It’s almost impressive how FS apparently managed to learn absolutely nothing from their previous titles or other games in the genre.

Why does it need to be “tested with the community” to figure out whether or not playing a sound you can’t turn off every time someone in you party picks up resources (after making a point of adding more resources to the maps in the last patch) might get annoying for a lot of players? Why do we even need to know that? Who thought this was a good idea and why did they think that?


I’ll say it again, pair the Loot Notification Mod with the Scoreboard Mod which has less intrusive notifications and all the options are toggle-able.

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Good to hear. As for further recommendations, I think WSkD’s reply here covers a lot of good ideas.

I’ll add my own (similar) list with some other good stuffs

  • Add an advanced information setting (or just have it as default) where players can see teammates’ advanced stats such as current ammo, current health/toughness, current grenades, and current ability cooldowns.

The in game mission menu (tab: default hotkey I think) is kinda blank right now as it only shows what mission you are playing and how much diamantine and plasteel you currently have. This menu is a very good spot to put less immediately useful info in as it is not visually intrusive or distracting.

  • I recommend putting an in game mission timer in this menu along with moving the recent pickups of books and resources into it along with time markers to know how recent it was.
  • It would be a good spot to dump extra info without interfering with player’s vision and could be useful for adding more stuff in the future too.

Edit: Having more trait/blessing affects appear in the bottom left would also be much appreciated.


Lol. So basically the Numeric UI mod, the crosshair info mod, the loot pickup mod and notification timer mod, and the blessings of the omnisissah mod.

Honesty - I’d rather have Fatshark focus on content and gameplay balance and leave all the hud and UI development to the modding community. No offense to Fatshark but the modders do a better job of it.

Edit: And to elaborate, the modders also respond to and incorporate sensical suggestions, update things in a timely manner, and are quicker to fix issues.


I’d be surprised if their UI team is the bottleneck to the content and gameplay teams. I think it’s more to do with the sentiment of modders doing a better job, even in vt2, that people may have an issue, rather than somehow hampering their dev cycle. Having it integrated within the game itself would be much more convenient though, as updating and re-toggling mods every time there is an update is a bit of a hassle.

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