A fix to the moderate usefulness of the shield + weapon combo

Im sorry but im not a fan of OP’s proposal.
I agree that shields should get changed a little bit. Main reason for that is that weapons which are quite different from other weapons should just have some little unique gameplay elements and not only changed stats.
For example shields and fire weapons.
Getting up with some unique mechanics for shields is really not that hard in my opinion.
Of course the implementation is more work than just changing stats but they already did that with other weapons and i really think its worth the effort.
Most important for me is that these new mechanics don’t dump down the gameplay.

@RaNdOmKiLs666 i don’t wanna sound unpolite in any way.
This idear thou

is something i really woulnd’t like to see.
The fun with the specials in this game is that they can be beaten by skillfull actions (For example dodging). The abillity to auto block them sounds like the opposite of fun to me.

If instead you would be able to avoid packmaster by performing a shield push at the right time im totally sold. It’s a new usefull skill demanding, not overpowered mechanic. In situations where there is no room to dodge, shields would even have the upper hand against other weapons. And imagine how cool it would be if you could save allies if you push the packmaster at the right timing. The shield user is supposed to support his team after all isn’t he?

Another proposal. Haw about a charged shield bash could immidiately open a shieldvermins block?
Would allow for good teamplay if you open up the shieldvermins while your teamates can finish them of with bether armor piecing weapons.

I also really like this suggestion:

IF these mechanics end up making shields op i absolutely wouldn’t mind if there stats would just get tweaked a little bit. In the end i always take unique mechanics over stat changes.