4 weeks clean

From the filthy game mechanics of Darktide and immoral choices of Failshark and Tencent.

Maybe one day they will learn how to retain and not alienate their customers and fans.

You’ve lost roughly 90k players.
Your “major content drops” bring back thousands of players but they stop playing within 2 weeks.
Your game hardly breaks 4k concurrent players at any time including weekends.

There isn’t a Sommelier in the world that would recommend your wine.


I gotta ask, what’s with the sobriety analogies?

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The systems Failshark uses in Darktide are very closely related to the same systems you see in Casinos/Gambling/Etc. These systems are designed to prey on their customers time and/or money by dangling the proverbial “carrot” in their faces but not actually ever giving up the “carrot”.


cleanse ur self XD

Me and my mates are die-hard tide players

We haven’t felt the urge to play darktide in ages.

Why does Darktide feel more repetitive than VT?
A zerk is a zerk, shooter is a shooter, a grunt is a grunt, no matter what bucket of paint you topple over him.
You could airdrop me in a map, and I’d have no idea which map of the same tileset it is.
Nothing says repetitive as gambling away your time for the same sh*t loot
4 classes, having a few meta feats while the rest is meh-tier


Darktide literally reuses the same graphical assets. Latest 2 missions, same assets again. The game taking place in one location is just a convenient way to justify it all looking the same, but it doesn’t have to be.

VT2 has more varied environment that you can actually tell what mission you are in.

Problem is that it took VT2 well over a 1 year, nearly 2 years to actually to be a good state. Depends if people are willing give just a year for Darktide with same level of patience.

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Ahh yes the “aging like fine wine” comment. We all loved that one. Good show Failshark!

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They better be careful DT doesn’t age like cheese!

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You really gonna make this thread every week now?

You’re a total detractor in the classic sense of the word, but I gotta give credit for that dedication. :joy:

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