The new ranged meta - a prediction

Sure, I’m not saying otherwise, but it’s not balanced at all.

No matter how broken patch we ever had, there were always options that did pretty good.

Well, the busted temp HP is not manageable on some classes with some weapons. Which basically kills them, because nobody is going to run without temp HP.

Broken pushing is huge issue also, because if you’re not playing on super cut down graphics setting as lot of the top guys do (to get better visibility), than you don’t see (thru all that blood flying) that some mob glitched and did not get pushed.

As for running attacks, those are so dumb, this really needs to get fixed fast, these self correcting missiles that can in last fractions of seconds somehow turn (without proper animation - not even fu-king aiming at you) and still hit you.

And than combined with hyperdensity… I dropped down to the wine cellar in Empire map, got beastmen horde, pushed them, sided dodged…got isnta destroyed by few running attacks thru the guys I just pushed. This is the same bullsh-t as spearmen attacking thru bodies of other enemies, impossible to predict.

And the ice-skating can sometimes get completely ridiculous, even boses are ice-skating sometimes.

Also I forgot how bosses now can switch and do very very close to insta hits, for example Rat Ogre, can switch target so fast and hit it, that it’s impossible to avoid it. Saw this already few times and happened to me once.

Exactly :wink: I did experiment with builds, but it changes nothing on the fact that this is so screwed up…

And I don’t like seeing people suggesting “get more new-patch-meta build” or “it’s mostly fine and you can play around it.”

No, it sucks, it should not go live like this at all.

What kind of feedback can anyone expect from this mess anyway. I can’t even imagine how new players feel about this.