Career you play with the most **POLL**

After 103 votes IB is tied with Handmaiden. Well I didn’t expect to see that lol.

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Both really strong and safe picks. Question is; HM Glaive/Hag or IB 1H Mace/Drakefires?

HM is a really solid choice for Legend. Even if your entire team goes down, you can normally just pop your ult and run to pick them up. The 3 seconds of no aggro is beautiful. Hagbane melts down bosses insanely fast, I’m scrolled for 20% monster damage and I can solo all bosses while my team takes care of the horde. Provided there’s enough room for me to dodge, 20% extra dodge means I don’t get touched by the boss either.

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I don’t know, I pick careers solely on how they look and feel, not how good they are and what do they bring to the group. Same goes for weapons. I don’t use halberd and beam staff, I just don’t feel any satisfaction while using those weapons. Exe sword and fireball staff on the other hand… as soon as i start killing with those, my satisfaction level goes to 12/10 :smiley:


I swore I would never main the elf or wizard but of course now I play almost nothing but unchained and waystalker (picked unchained for this poll).

Simply have the most fun on those classes in random games. If I’m playing with mi amigos I just pick whatever they don’t.