Burning Head Sienna build is crazy!

Also imagine those players you mentioned playing shade or WHC or even Slayer.

For me personally its just not an issue.
If some classes are easier thats fine.
I mean, you could almost have the same argument with IB because you can take so much damage and keep rolling.
Someone that started with IB then switches to Shade may have some difficulties, you see?
IMHO you are not really going to be doing Legend if you are just in it for the “easies.”
Even with this build you need to be somewhat good and know how to block and dodge.
I started playing on Sienna and I think that I learned the game mechanics just fine.
My current favorites are Huntsman, Merc, and Unchained.
I still enjoy playing Pyro sometimes too.
I dunno…I dont think this discussion is getting anywhere.

As I have said: Increase Pyro active cooldown by 10% maybe 15% in a beta patch or something and see how it feels.


Cool, you’ve edited your post, but I can’t unlike it now.

Being easy is just one of complaints. The other one - being too universal. You are effective against EVERYTHING with it. No weak spots. Yes, you can get outperformed by other careers here and there, but not that much (except for new broken Huntsman), but you outperform them hard when it comes to their weak spots.

Its easiness is just an icing on top of the cake.

All I edited in was the part about IB and saying CD should be increased…

How would you change the class then?

I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree because we are going in circles here man.

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Not anymore, cause you just said something new.

It’s in OP

Here is the expanded explanation

Also there is another possible solution.

And yes, I would also increase Sienna’s ult cd by 10% . Maybe more, but 10% is enough for starters, to evaluate the change.