The problem is it’s position in the skill tree. You have to pick it in order to get other talents like Thy Wrath Be Swift or loner aura. My problem is not that it’s bad, but that it completely ruins shotguns if you rely on the spread and you can’t avoid it.
Talents that give you a huge negative effect shouldn’t have other good talents below them, just change it’s position so you don’t have to pick it to get to other talents.
Exactly my problem. It’s not a clearly beneficial talent, as any shotgun user can attest to - and those should either have a clearly beneficial alternative branch, or just no nodes being gated by them.
Dance of Death is both gating nodes below it (5 nodes including AN AURA for Emperor’s sake!) and no alternative to it. Just look at Psyker’s new Empyric Resolve talent - that’s the way it should have been done.
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