Zealot: Chainaxe heavy melee swings does not gain any noticable attackspeed from the feat Retribution

Issue Description:
The Chainaxe is not gaining any noticeable attack speed from the feat “Retribution” on heavy melee swings.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Jump into a game with the feat Retribution as one of your chosen feats.
  2. While on 100% HP chain 2 or more heavy swings together and observe the swing timer.
  3. Get your HP to the 10% mark or lower and chain 2 or more heavy swings together and observe the swing timer.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Any mission.


Player ID:
[76561198005085980/Steam Profile URL/Oxonium ¨,'.¨]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[04/09/2023, between 09:30 & 10:00] [CET]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
I don’t have that yet, will upload evidence once i have it.

Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
2023-09-17 T08:44 console-2023-09-17-06.30.14-7fa4e1f8-4c76-4b5a-b0d0-4eb0448b720b.log (143.0 KB)
2023-09-17 T10:01
darktide_launcher.log (8.4 KB)
console-2023-09-17-06.57.53-131229b3-8947-455c-9082-420c9de935c4.log (232.6 KB)

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