[Xbox Series S] Crashing constantly when opening Spoils of War chests

Since the Necromancer update, I have been unable to open any and all chests (ranging from commendations to Legend difficulty) on the Series S as doing so will always cause a crash to the home screen, I’ve tried clearing local save data, tried switching careers, opening the spoils in the chaos waste room and turning off my internet and there’s no effect on any of them.

I would post a video of the crash but recording it is something that I’m not used to doing, but it’s a repeat occurrence.

There’s also a similar crash that happens when applying settings for ‘Minion Outlines’ but I’m not sure if that’s relevant

Hi @anon4357836,

Could you please provide me with your Xbox Gamertag so we can take a look at this?


Sure, should I post it here or am I able to message you it (for privacy reasons)?

I’ve DM’d you :slight_smile:

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