Why did you add the comparison of weapons by pressing a button?

But why?

In the previous beta, the majority of players asked for the possibility to compare weapons. Because when you go to the weapon dealer, you have to compare them to choose the right one.

Now, you have implemented this request and I thank you!

But why do you force the players to press a button to compare the weapons. I think this is an ergonomic mistake.

If some people, for some reason I don’t know, want this key, then why not add a key activation option and a constant activation option in the game settings? so everyone will be happy.


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I agree, they already have the space reserved on the side of the screen for the comparison, I am not sure why its a button. Also, on this same screen would be nice if they had actual numbers for stats instead of bland bars.

I’d agree that the comparison should default to be “on”… although i think the entire page needs to be thought through again.

None of the weapon stats are explained, what does “finesse” do? is that better than other stats on other weapons, you can only do direct somewhat informed comparison between the same weapons, not between different weapons (sword vs axe vs whatever)

The bars are a little hard to read, but i don’t think numbers would be particularly better, you only really care about the relative different between two weapons, numbers would allow that but other games handle it better with “red/green” (or whatever colours for colour blindness sake) to show that this value on this weapon is higher/lower than the other… lots of green = better weapon, mixed = trade off weapon etc.

I’d love to see the button toggle bring up a side bar with the stats all explained and the bars showing the relative improvement/detriment between the weapons.