What does it mean when my report is “acknowledged”?

Oh shoot, I thought this was the V2 forum. RIP.

So I can’t really say too much on what goes on in Darktide as I don’t work on it, but at least V2 side, usually it’s due to a handful of reasons:

  • The issue is taking longer than expected to figure out
  • The issue is pushed down in the priority list to make room for the developers to address more pressing issues (such as crashes, etc) who would otherwise be responsible for that fix
  • The issue is resolved but waiting to be rolled into a more extensive patch/build
  • On console, the issue is resolved, but is in the cert process

Again, I can’t really speak too heavily on Darktide as I’m not usually poking my nose into there (except here where it was an accident, whoops!); but hope this gives some context into some of the triage that happens with the acknowledged tag!