Sorry for the big wall of text, if you dont want to read all of it, just focus on the things written in bold letters
PS. take note that Helbore MK 2 has been renamed to “MK V”.
This build is ONLY for the people with good aim that can reliably headshot the heretics. If your aim is poor (no shame in it), do not try this build, you will have a very bad time.
Helbore is by far the most precise weapon in the game (even with only 40% stability (tested)), with highest crit headshot damage to ammo efficiency ratio (for now).
And also the most versatile weapon in the game, letting you deal with every enemy, up close or from from the other side of the map, melee or ranged, chaff or elites helbore will take care of it all.
In the ideal game, you will only ever pull out your melee weapon to push away poxbursters.
Ranged guide :
Your main job is ranged superiority. Do not bother with the chaff, target high value targets.
When using your ranged try to always fully charge your gun, even on poxwalkers, it will turn into a habit and incentivize you to properly aim instead of blindly spraying in the enemy general direction. Also remember that helbore has a very decent ranged cleave so while it might seem like a waste, you might hit the enemy behind the heretic you’re aiming at.
Not to mention its important to keep up the chained shots blessing for fastest charge possible.
Also remember that helbore has extremely good ammo efficiency. so you will never really run out.
When a melee chaff has closed distance on you and there are alot of ranged enemies/gunners/specials around, ignore the melee chaff and simply dodge its attacks while firing at the priority targets.
It may take some practice to be able to successfully ignore the melee chaff and not get hit and shoot at other targets, but eventually you should be able to pull it off reliably.
Your ranged target priority looks like this :
trapper > specials > gunners > ogryn reapers > ranged chaff > maulers > ragers > crushers > everything else
Bayonet guide :
The bayonet is a very very special and powerful tool, you will be using it alot so try to bind it to a mouse key that you can use easily and very fast.
Bayonet has a hidden special charge feature, when you hold the bayonet button, you will brace it, while braced you can perform a charge which increases your movement speed by a significant amount. Any time you want to move to any place, be it to close distance to an enemy or simply move forward, you want to always use this bayonet charge
(It does not improve the damage however)
When you attack the enemy, feel free to spam the attack, the charge and light attack have identical damage.
The damage is significant enough to one shot most enemies in the game, so trust in it, use it and rely on it.
The only time you will EVER want to pull out your melee weapon is when there is a massive horde of chaff and your team has no horde clear, or when you want to push away a poxburster.
Ragers : it is the 2nd best weapon in the game to deal with ragers, (first being the devil claw parry), it both stagger locks them, and deals decent damage to them. You should be able to dispatch groups of 3-4 ragers at once with it, without taking any damage (spam the bayonet and keep them staggered)
Hounds : when a hound is about to pounce you, attack with the bayonet, it will always 1 shot the hound even if you dont hit the head. Not only is it every efficient way to deal with hounds (much better then normal melee push then attack) but also makes you feel amazing ^^.
Your bayonet target priority looks like this :
Hounds / ragers > mutants (never shoot at mutants, only bayonet) > any special/disabler/elite in range (with exception of carapace) > melee chaff
Now finally here is the build :
Melee : feel free to take any melee of your choice that is capable of horde clear, you will only ever use it on out of control hordes and poxbursters.
Helbore : Take exactly as shown (you can try to take carapace/Unyielding instead of unarmored but the dreg gunners might give you some trouble when you’re at 0 focus stacks)
Curios : Take toughness, not health. This vet is very squishy and if your toughness runs out you will be in big trouble regardless how much hp you have. And keep the stamina (max and regen), other then those 2 feel free to take anything else you want.
About the rending : thanks to it, at full focus stacks and ES enabled, you will be able to 3 hit headshot maulers, and 4 headshot crushers. very nice
Dont think the talents need any further explanation.
If you have any questions feel free to ask