Versus Spotlight - Bardin Goreksson & Warpfire Thrower

Heroes and Pactsworn!

Welcome to the last out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun. This week’s spotlight will be on the hearty Bardin and the nasty Warpfire Thrower!

Previous Spotlight’s Rewards

As said in the the previous post, we changed the end date for the event from Sunday to Wednesday, which was more than enough to reach and beat the new ambitious target of 250K kills!

The rewards for the previous spotlight were delivered yesterday, so check your inventory! As a note, the Hero Pose might take a few restarts before it applies properly to your account. Sorry about that!

Congrats to everyone for your continued hard work! Now just the final stretch!

This Week’s Rewards

There are unique rewards to unlock weekly, all earned by the community as a whole through completion of the Kill-Counter. There are currency rewards, portrait frames, skins, and weapon poses to be earned.

Bardin & Warpfire Thrower Spotlight rewards will be earnable between December 12 - December 18. All rewards will be granted after the spotlight ends.


Rally together as community to eliminate Heroes in Versus to complete the Kill Counter. If the community completes the counter, you will all unlock:

  • An exclusive skin for the Warpfire Thrower!
  • 120 shillings.
  • 100 Helmgart Sellsword Marks.
  • A brand new Portrait frame.
  • A Hero Pose for Bardin!

Bardin Goreksson


Bardin Goreksson introduced himself to the world as an unstoppable avalanche on the battlefield, an ale-swigging hurricane at the inn, and a steadfast friend by the campfire. A bulwark of comradeliness and good cheer, Bardin became the glue binding our unlikely band of heroes.

Learn more about Bardin here!

Warpfire Thrower

The Warpfire Thrower is whispered of in many quarters – chiefly for the horrors it has wrought in the cramped confines of dwarfen holds. With the smouldering projector aimed, the simple flip of a switch births roiling clouds of warpfire that scours all from the gunner’s path.

Learn more about the Warpfire Thrower here!


So, wére getting Tempered frame, but not Zeal frame to complete the collection ?

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Zeal Frame in Question above:

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Finally I got all rewards from the last weeks. :smiley:

I’m still not receiving the rewards tat were earned, so I’m sitting this one out.

It’s not worth it. You had time to fix this.

Looks like we may not make this one, folks. About an hour left, and we are only 230k out of 250k.

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It has been more than 2 days since the end of the event, but there are still no awards

Well, we technically didn’t complete the event, we reached 250k like 20 hours late. But you’d expect some sort of announcement at least after the event ended. On the previous 250k event, when we didn’t make it in time, they were right there with an announcement that they’re extending the timer. But this time…nothing. No timer extension. No announcement like “nice try, but sorry, you didn’t make it, here’s 50 % of the promised reward as a consolation”. And not only was there no announcement. The kill counter is still up and counting. It’s like they forgot about it. The event was supposed to end Wednesday. We filled the counter on Thursday evening (EU time). Surely that’s enough time to make some sort of statement before the weekend.

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So the awards for this week have been canceled?

Nobody knows, Fatshark has failed to make any statement one way or another. It’s like they forgot the event was even happening, the kill counter is still up and counting.

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They did in a steam discussion post recently. Let me copy and paste what the developer said:

“Hey all, it seems the automation to roll out the last spotlight rewards failed, so they haven’t gone out yet for anyone - so not to worry! Due to the holidays we’ll now manually roll out the rewards once our backend developers have returned. Sorry for the extra wait!”

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I just hope there will be opportunities to earn this stuff at a later point as well.

Some if us travel long distances over the holidays :slight_smile:

Lev in a recent reddit comment:

Hey! So we had a technical issue and the final spotlight rewards didn’t roll out automatically as planned. We’ll be manually rolling the rewards out soon (ETA 27th). Sorry for the extra wait!


Sorry for the late reply everyone, altough I see Lev had already covered it! Rewards should be rolling out now, try logging in! And for the Hero pose, remember that it might take a few logins before it clicks properly.

Since we changed it to Community challenges (reach the kill counter as a community and such), the entire community will get the rewards, so they’ll be waiting for ya when you come back, no worries.


I thought there was a playtime requirement for some of the rewards, is that still the case? :slight_smile:

Not since we changed the reward system to all be based on the community kill trackers!