Two new melee weapons for Ogryn

  1. Two handed Spud-Jacker hammer (because people keep asking for a two handed Ogryn weapon with wide reach)

  2. Augmetic fist/gauntlets (because i want to go OGRYN SMASH)

Both are from existing 40k miniatures from Necromunda.


Fist fighting as Ogryn could be an epic experience.

Of course, if Fatshark’s game designers could properly handle it (which I strongly doubt).

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Spudjacker would probably be a 1h hammer
As for Gauntlets, I could see FS doing them in a fun way

Maybe taking a bit from Dual Hammer on Bardin, but having the overhead be a dual fist attack

As for other lore weapon:

  • 2h Hammer
  • 2h Axe
  • 1h Axe
  • Flail
  • Slab Sword (Power)

Fist weapons on Ogryn is such a dream. I really, honestly, just want to go ape mode on heretics.

Give them the left, then the right, heavy attack for an uppercut and then a haymaker.

I want the gauntlet ! Now ! It would be amazing tho…

The bit has an Ogryn hand on it so there’s plenty of space on the haft for using it two handed.

Not from an ogryn, but id love to see the big man 2 handing a sign post

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In Necromunda its a 1h weapon, but there are 2h Hammer and 2h Axes too