Issue Description:
The tier 4 Charmed Reload Blessing states that it will load 10 rounds into the weapon’s magazine/clip from your reserves. However it appears to only load 8 rounds, (I only tested this with the “Gorgonum Mk IV Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber”).
Steps to Reproduce:
This was tested in the meat grinder (at difficulty 4). I fired at enemies (single mouse clicks rather than continuous fire) until the magazine number increased.
The weapon fires 2 round bursts so after a Critical the magazine should have 10 additional rounds minus the 2 fired. However it would only increase by 8. (Ex: Firing/“Critting” with 12 rounds in the magazine would result in 18 rounds in the magazine, when it should be 20)
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:
(Steam Name): hobbes_hoogie
Approx. Time of Issue & Time Zone:
roughly 7:30 pm, time zone GMT-6 (United States Central Standard Time)
Reproduction Rate:
Appears to be Constant (100%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
I apologize, but you’ll have to take my word for it. I don’t have video evidence of this, and I don’t believe a pair of screenshots would be any more reliable than my description, so I don’t have anything useful to put here.