The surge staff needs a rework




I see

thats helpful! :smiley:

This is also really subjective so i will only speak from my view.

This can be true, however fatshark has implemented the worst possible crafting system into this game so no matter how much I possibly want to try some of those ā€œfunā€ weapons and builds, I might be just farming for weeks trying to get those items without success.
Iā€™m already bored to death to this system trying to get stuff I want to try out for lulz.
So realistically whatā€™s left for me is difficulty, which is actively being dumped down patch after patch.

Iā€™ve already voiced this so many times that, iā€™m bored to death by it. Iā€™m also extremely doubtful due to fatsharks past that anything to this end will happen anytime soon no matter how much people complain about it.

These are just takes from someone whos bored of fatsharks bs. Take it as you will.

you do know the armory exists right? they may not be upgraded weapons but it lets you play with whatever you want scaled at its base to your level. beyond that im fine with the "better stats are random pop ups in the INGAME MONEY ONLY store. beyond that if you really wanna make the game a little harder for yourself, play in less optimal ways, use more basic weapons just for the fact that they limit what you can do with em like using greens and blues only, or hell, try parenting if you want to deal with a snot nosed monster like many people think is a good idea XD

Yeah and I also know that working 4-5 days a week exists so lots of good armory deals simply vanish. Iā€™m also not fan of keeping armory open 24/7 and it honestly says more about the system really if this is the new norm.

Also Iā€™m not even speaking of optimal, just getting 2 blessings you want on a weapon is annoying enough.

But this is getting so much off-topic from surge staff that i stop it here.

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Oh yeah, letĀ“s make everything so busted and then being like ā€œOh guy, we lost 90% of our playerbase withing 2 days. How? I meanā€¦ the game canĀ“t be boring if everything is one-tap right? Who doesnĀ“t like to play a brainless walking-simulator?
Hmmmā€¦ maybe we should create a new difficulty and patch in some day in a year!ā€

This isnĀ“t how game-development works and never should work. Balance is what keeps games interesting to play over a longer period of time.

i also work 4 to 5 days a week and dude, i keep getting weapons i want and good ones outta the armory easy by just checking back after each mission. it isnt hard and there is a hella good drop rate for better and better gear.

It certainly needs some work. Aiming with it is a pain in horde situations if you are trying to pick off specific enemies. Damage, even if you build towards its strengths: flak, carapace armour and crit chance is way below average of the other staves and too specialised. CC is nice and all, but in hi-five difficulties you donā€™t necessarily fully control who you are going to stun, nor it is enough. Damage > CC.

I usually combine it with a good force sword, so I can close the gap on shooters. Also Soulblaze talents + Kinetic Barrage for some extra burst damage. I donā€™t think I ever exceeded 250k dmg in an average length damnation game.